


5 years, 9 months ago


theme song

heeath was supposed to be a normal goat, his parents were both normal goats, but when he was born he was NOT a normal goat (he was how he is), so his parents were like wtf? and left him out in the cold winter woods - leaving him to die & cursing anything that may keep this demon child alive. freefall was a regular wolf @ that time and it becoming night, naturally, was looking for a place to rest. but he heard the baby crying out and found him. so freefall being a good boi, took the baby and nursed him back to health. but little did he know about the curse, his mind started to fade & he would black out regularly. until one day he realized why he was blacking out, he would turn into a monsterous beast, he realized this when he had caught his mind again - the child was screaming and had so much terror in his eyes, the marks on the walls of their den was enough to realize that something wasn't right. as time went on, freefalls mind began to fade more and more, but he started to remember the times being in that form, until soon one day when the child was grown, his body had fully switched with the years and his mind was split in half.