


1 month, 23 days ago


Name Nightngalethroat
Brazillian Name Garganta de Rouxinol
Gender Male
Age 28'moons
Orientation demisexual
Personality INTJ-T
Role Uncertain
Current clan Rosemaryclan
Even if the whole world turns against me, I will never go down on their level. I don't need them, nor their approval. But for those who show care and kindness towards me, they shall have my loyalty and my heart for all time. Albeit, I'd rather stay alone then with bad companions

Protected by high, treacherous mountains and peaks, the cats of Rosemaryclan hide secrets beyond the world's understanding. Feared for their strength and inexplicable determination, no outsider dares face these predators thirsty for blood and war. For them, coats that are as clear as daylight or that reflect mountains are signs of strength and power. Furthermore, any weakness is unacceptable. However, Nightingale was born as a blind cat as pale as the sand on cloudy days, surrounded by cats that looked more like villainous wolves who saw him as mere prey.

Unable to meet the expectations of his father and leader, Rosemaryteller, Nightingalethroat was doomed to a life of humiliation and no purpose. Despite being in a place where he is hated by all but a few, Nightingale possesses a strong sense of justice and plans to unravel the mysteries surrounding his clan's elite cats. He plans to stop his tyrannical leader from continuing his atrocities, and ultimately end the suffering of those caught in his claws. Contrary to what Nightingale thought, he will not be alone on this mission.

  • Singing
  • Walking alone
  • Fighting
  • Show off
  • His mother
  • Rosemaryteller
  • Being bullied and abused
  • Others suffering like him
  • Wars and secrets
  • Unpredictable scenarios

Origin and Disability

Nightingale was born on a night of green-leaves to Soaringleaf and Rosemaryteller. The other she-cats in the nursery congratulated Soaringleaf on having given birth to a healthy kitten despite the black-spotted fur, but unfortunately for the young mother, her mate and clan leader could only show displeasure at her son with eyes similar to pearls. According to Rosemaryclan traditions, all of Rosemaryteller's heirs should have green eyes like the deity's possessing the leader's mortal body. But because he was blind, Nightingale was immediately rejected by his own father and sentenced to death. Soaringleaf defended her only son with the help of the other mothers in the nursery, but all of them with the exception of Soaringleaf were killed for treason. Just as the newborn's fate seemed to have come to an end along with the traitors's kittens, a herd of wild horses led by a cream-colored stallion swept through the Rosemaryclan camp, killing several cats in the process. The leading stallion aimed it's blows at Rosemaryteller, but he narrowly missed being hit. The clan cats came to the conclusion that this was a signal sent by the Dark Forest - evil cats who took the form of horses to destroy their clan. Rosemary knew that if that kit was killed, he would face the wrath of the Pale Stallion, in which he seemed to recognize the individual who possessed it's body. The fear of meeting his own end led Rosemaryteller to leave his son alive, as well as the other kits who were now orphaned. Nightngale was rejected by everyone except his mother and his denmates whose mothers died in the claws of the tyrant leader. Soaringleaf taught Nightngale how to walk without bumping into things, how to find his way around with his whiskers, and how to sharpen his other senses. She also taught him how to hunt and explained her clan's terrible laws. Soaringleaf, despite being weak, was a clever cat, and always told Nightngale never to trust anyone, as everyone from that evil clan hid secrets beyond her understanding. Even though he was blind, Nightngale was able to walk and find his way alone in the forest, soon learning how to identify each cat by smell, voices, and even their footsteps. He is aware of his surroundings and has perfected his dodging skills in order to avoid attacks from the bullies in his clan. Although he does have difficulties during natural disasters and in situations that he cannot predict - and besides physical fights still being his biggest challenge, he does not let himself be shaken and never lowers his head to anyone.

All alone, but unfazed

Nightngalethroat was treated with disrespect in his clan. His father officially gave him the name Blindkit- Later Blindeyes, and forced him to become a healer, so that he could somehow "be useful" to the clan. His mother however refused to call him such a terrible name and named him Nightngalekit, and later he named himself Nightngalethroat after his liking to singing. Soaringleaf was not only his mother, but his best friend. She always protected him from bullies and helped him deal with any problems, despite being constantly criticized and abused by her partner, the situation only getting worse when she never gave birth to any more kittens. Nightngale comforted her as best he could, promising that someday the two of them would run away. But Soaringleaf refused. She told stories about how Rosemaryteller was a completely different cat before he became leader, and that something changed him, or someone. Nightngale did not understand his mother's theories, and only came to care about them after her death. Nightngale secretly heard her die, and he soon discovered during the conversation in the crime scene that her killer was her "fighting mentor" Howlingwolf. Nightngale swore revenge on him, on Rosemaryteller, and all those who treated him and his mother unkindly. He would also fulfill his mother's wish and her desire to uncover the dirty secrets Rosemaryteller was hiding. Why should all his heirs take the name 'Rosemaryteller'? Why did all of his kits must have green eyes? Why changed his father from a sweet cat to an evil tyrant? Why did he have a group of warriors always protecting him? How come he hates disabled cats? Did the other clans suffered under his tiranny, too? Was the dark forest a real place, or the "curse" set on Rosemaryclan actually true? Why was Nightngale throat saved by the Pale Stallion, who occasionally meets him and then levous without sign? He wants all the answers to these questions and once he finds them, he will expose his father to the world. He will make him regret for everything he's done to his son, his mother, the other kits and all the other cats he hurt. But even though Nightngale's life is reflected with lonliness and darkness, he is still able to to keep his head up and positive, for his mother, whom once did the same. He doesn't mind being alone- Rather, it's better for him because he thinks that others would slow him down on his quest for justice. He finds peace when he's alone, and he's happier than most when doing so. Although his mindset would one day change when suddenly, four cats of clans would turn on his side. Meeting a certain Lavenderclan nomad would also bring opportunities for the young tom.


Design Notes
  • Black hair with bangs
  • Leopard-like spots
  • Gray-colored eyes
  • Short fur
  • Fluffytail similiar to a snow leopard
  • Although his emotionless look is inspired by Jayfeather's most fanart poses, we can show other emotions like happiness or goofiness.
  • Aside from his blindness, Nightngale is also rejected by the odd color of his fur. The tradition of leadership possesion included the heir having green eyes, and a pelt warm as the sun or light grey as the mountains, and Nightngale had not the right pale color and even had black spots. Colored pelts like black, pure white or ginger are seen as bad omen and related to the 'Devil of the dark forest'. Although many don't see anything wrong with his fur color, and that his blindness is what makes him "unable to become the heir", Rosemaryteller strictly states he would accept a son who was stained by the disease brought by the devil, referring to his black spots.
  • Nightngale never responds to anyone who calls him Blindeyes, only when they hurt him phisically and he has to fight back. He decides to avoid his bullies, for he has no time to waste for the likes of them.
  • He often dismisses the cats of his clan as inferior due to their ways of thinking, convinced that they are nothing more than idiots following a "so-not-suspicious leader with messed-up morals."
  • Nightngale loves singing and learned the bird's songs by heart. Mockingjays, Nightngales, Songbirds, canaries and even crows, he memorized them all.
  • He shows his cocky and cold nature to strangers and his clan, but for the cats who whe judges to be good, he become a goofball who laughs at any jokes and gives out his whole heart to them.
  • He's smart regarding serious issues, but for social cues, he reveals himself to be a total idiot.
code by jiko