[Browbird] Pascal Fairchild



21 days, 21 hours ago









Late Night Tv Host


Prize MYO




All the other tabs are filled out just need to get this one done!

I have so many profiles to update still wahhh









  • A stiff drink
  • Any and all attention
  • Charismatic guests
  • Colorful clothing
  • ...Quaaludes


  • Drinking water
  • His contract
  • Happy couples
  • Missed cues
  • Radio


  • Type: Standard
  • Aspect: Time (Mythic) || Dreams (Rare) || Speech (Common)
  • Crest: Emotia (Rare) || Oozing & Prismatic
  • Horns: Uncommon
  • Tail: Uncommon
  • Additional Traits:
    • Horn Holes (Uncommon)
    • Horn Engravings (Uncommon)
    • Mismatched Horns (Uncommon)
    • Delicate Tail (Uncommon)
    • Glamour Eyes (Rare)
    • Wisps (Mythic)
    • Petal Ears (Common)



Pascal's first aspect was speech, which he used endlessly to chatter at everyone around him. He was easier-going compared to many other browlets and was raised in the community flocks rather than with a smaller more personal flock of his own. This never bothered Pascal, as it just meant he had more individuals to talk to.


Pascal got his first real job as a studio hand. As soon as he was old enough to fetch drinks or fiddle with makeup he was there helping every step of the way. He was the ultimate "intern" and wore many hats for not a lot of pay or recogition. This didn't bother the young bird as he was happy enough just to be close to some of the big names in media and in a studio space to watch the pros at work.

Young Adult

Fortune favored the bold and in a move that blindsided most people he worked with, Pascal applied for the host slot for a new show. What was more surprising was that he got it. The show was a blind dating game with single contestants interviewing one another from behind curtains and nothing spectacular on paper, but Pascal was a natural host and the ratings remained decent simply due to the bird's charm. It felt like a massive win for the man who was more than thrilled to be able to put his own spin on something that others actually sat down to willingly watch. He wasn't one of the greats, but he had his foot in the door for something bigger!

During his time hosting the show Pascal made a decent name for himself, but he also met a contestant that he later would hook up with. The two had a natural spark for one another and ended up being quite the power couple for the years that the show ran. It was a nice fluffy addition that "anyone could find love on the show, even him!" and the Network ran with it. Ratings remained decent and the show had its following, but as time moved on the sorts of programs the Network hosted also had moved on.

Pascal was given a choice when he was told his show was set to be cancelled after the current season wrapped up. The news broke his heart, but the opportunity that followed was too good to pass up. A new late night show was being pitched and rather than their old star handing over the reins they wanted a new direction with a new face attached. Pascal, with the support of his partner, took the deal and his contract was signed. The dating show was a thing of the past and [SHOW NAME PENDING] was now his future.

Adult || Current

If only it hadn't all gone so wrong.

The pressure of a nightly show wore on Pascal quicker than he would ever admit. He'd gone from a sometimes mentioned host to a household name in the matter of weeks. His face was all over with the aggressive marketing being forced down the throats of viewers and his once relatively private life suddenly had endless pairs of eyes on it. The scrutiny and anxiety to keep ratings high slowly morphed Pascal from a laid back, genuine sort into a bitter, vice centric workaholic. He loved the spotlight, he loved the attention, but he loved to make Mr. Midnight happy most of all. His relationship fell apart as he chased the stardom over appreciating what was already so perfect in his life and he found himself miserable and alone after what had been decades of bliss. The drama and speculation only turned more eyes towards the host and his fame monster grew stronger.

Years later and Pascal's show was still the top of the charts. He managed to secure the most unique guests, had the best segments, annual high production holiday events and so many giveaways it was difficult not to tune in. Despite the high praise he still fears his show will end up on the chopping block like his old one had all those years ago.


  • Time: Pascal taught himself time magic as a means to help with shows. In the beginning he used it to nudge certain things along but as he got more and more skilled with the aspect he learned how he could pause, rewind and edit time. The bird is now his own in-house editor and makes sure that timing is PERFECT. Cues will NOT be missed. Awkward gaps in conversation would NOT happen on his set. If anyone so much as sneezed he would snap his fingers and turn back to clock to get it right.
    Pascal's studio space is specialized to support the magic and take on a brunt of the heavy lifting so the bird doesn't wring himself dry from exertion. However he has been known to keep guests stuck in their chairs for hours, even up to days, if they fight the interview process or don't meet Pascal's standards. The Network is, of course, fine with this and even supports the cause. Anything for ratings.
    Pascal is studying time magic whenever he can so he can, hopefully, one day achieve ancient status. Part of this stems from the fear of being irrelevant and another means he would have (in his eyes) endless power to draw from to make sure everything is forever perfect on set. His eyes do leak with starblindness from time to time from the leaps he makes in his studies. He finds this to be a good sign and that he's close to cracking the code.
  • Dreams: Pascal uses dreams to create beautiful scenes for both his viewers and his guests. He can be occasionally cruel with the aspect and create images to torment his guests into acting how he wants or giving information away that they might otherwise not be keen on sharing. He's not above manipulating someone by tugging on their heartstrings.
    However, he's not all malicious intent and often uses the aspect in his spare time to play back scenes of his life that he found to be utterly perfect. They play out less like memories as time marches on and more like idealized scenes he wished he'd managed to experience first hand. Depression ahoy!
  • Speech: A host has to be able to talk well, and Pascal can talk the talk better tha most. His speech can be coaxing, manipulative to downright brainwashing depending on how resistant someone is to the aspect. Because of his aspect he can also change how his voice sounds for different segments. He's also not bad at singing!
  • Synchrony: All together the aspects are a match made in hell for whoever is on the receiving ends of them working in tandem. Wearing someone down over the course of hours or days, showing them sights that doesn't exist and fiddling in their head via mere words is a powerfully hypnotic combination. Pascal's guests don't often need to be pushed to such a level to give a good show, but that doesn't mean he hasn't pulled out all of the stops before. Some speculate that Pascal has slowly developed Will magic over time, but he brushes the notion off.


  • Pascal likes to remind others that "tv killed the radio star" with himself as the hero who pulled it off.
  • The bird studies time magic during his free hours. He dreams of getting to ancient status, but the strain occasionally causes his eyes to leak with starblindness. During these bouts he tends to "lose time" and cannot control his magic well.
  • Pascal is the nicest bird you'll ever meet until you miss a cue or round a question back on him, then you become public enemy number one until he's done with you.
  • Pascal's show, [NAME PENDING], is the highest rated show The Network owns. All of the stress that comes with keeping those numbers high has turned the bird into a codendent, vice ridden, anxious mess.
  • Pascal isn't a natural red head. 😱 The Network had him dye his blond hair to something "more flashy".



Pascal cutely calls the bird "Em" or "Emmy" as if the pair were actually close friends. The two have certainly stepped over boundaries with one another that are less than professional but Midnight always makes sure that Pascal knows who the boss is. He owns/is The Network and controls most aspects of Pascal's life. He knows what insecurities to tug at, what words can be used to butter the bird up and how to keep his ratings high and rebellious streak low. Pascal at times thinks he's invincible for being the top rated show, but The Network will always be there to humble and crush egos.

Sinatra [ Old Friend / Rival ]

When Pascal was a dating show host, before his career shift, him and Sinatra bumped into one another numerous times. The other bird was often kind and gave the newer star great advice while simultaneously looking out for him. It all changed when the fame monster caught up with Pascal and when Sinatra managed to find a loophole in his contract to break away from The Network. The radio host managed to escape the oppressive thumb of Mr. Midnight, score a loving family and run his station independantly from the predatory setting. Pascal finds himself irrationally jealous of Sin and everything he's managed to build for himself. He now sees whatever friendship they had as nothing but a mockery.

Iggy [ Rival ]

A pain in Pascal's ass, Iggy hosts a relatively popular cooking show that's been catchig up in ratings as of late. The two should be separated at all costs because they're catty bitches to one another that often ends in one or both of them making a scene.