Holster Gunn



1 month, 7 hours ago




Alias Holster Gunn
Name Antontio Carlos Alvarado
Age 26
Gender Cis Male
Romantic Orientation Panromantic
Sexuality Demisexual
Pronouns He / Him / His
Race Guatemalan-Nicaraguan
Species Hellrider Demon

  • Suggestive art is okay.
  • Ask for NSFW permissions."
  • Ask for permission to draw NSFW unless a close friend.
  • Ask permission to draw body horror or gore-esque art.
  • You can use minor inspiration from him.
  • Please do not use major inspiration from him / copy things from his design.

Holster Gunn- Or, Antonio Carlos Alvarado, is a premium rockstar in Vinyl City. His genre of metal is a blend of glam, doom, and arena rock, a strange twist- Fitting for his amalgam of aesthetics in his brand.

Holster is brash, excitable, and a big personality (with some big personalities) that is eager to befriend those around him. Despite his hard and spiky aura, he's a sweet and empathetic man. Holster is a family man and a giant mama's boy. Despite being a large, imposing man, he just wants to be held and treated nicely. He's a softie who yearns for connection. He can be very emotional- Too emotional, sometimes, which can lead to certain anger issues. He manages it well, though. He's also very fit and passionate about fitness and health.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Holster was born to a long lasting family of demons living in Guatemala. They work as rancheros, the family business owning a ranch that handles demonic creatures. The demons of his family are the only ones capable of working with these creatures in symbiosis, so the business is passed down through generations. Holster, however, began to find passion in music as he grew older. Traditional music was fun, but he also grew enamored with rock and metal music from places like Europe. He started his own music career, despite his family's best wishes, but quickly began to rise in recognition. He even went on tour for a bit, meeting and briefly dating an alien trust-fund girl. Eventually, he landed in Vinyl City, being hired after the rock revolution as Tatiana saw her younger self in him.

Current Day

Holster works for NSR as a musician, headlining concerts and promoting fitness brands. He visits home whenever he can, though his schedule doesn't allow it very much. The big softie puts on a bad boy aesthetic by reccomendation of his manager, to go alongside his wild brand. He takes great passion in his work and makes sure to put all of himself into him.


The species of demon that Holster's family descended from is dubbed "Hellriders." These demons were bound to monsters, their soulds connecting and merging to one. Over time, some demons managed to rise to earth, most hellriders showing up in North America. However, Holster's early ancestors came up in Guatemala, in Central America. They evolved with the culture as they got more acclimated to modern life. Many smaller demonic creatures came up along with the demons, and in their region, had become a bit of an invasive problem. So, his family contained them, being the only ones capable of handling the creatures. They became a ranch, turning this keeping and monitoring of demonic creatures into a business. Because only demons can handle these creatures, the business is passed down in the family. The demonic traits are all dominant, so any children of a demon and a human will become a demon.

The hellriders' mounts can change form, but they tend to stick to one that works for them. The ones in Northern America turned to trends of automobiles, now commonly seen in motorcycles. However, Holster's family's mounts turned to horses to aid them in their work. A mount and it's rider are bound from a young age, it's true form only barely showing when connected to their rider. Holster's mount Ángel takes the form of a pitch black Shire horse to accomodate his size.


  • He's tall for his species, standing at 7'6"
  • His hair is naturally blue and turns to blue fire when his emotions get overwhelming.
  • When angry, his form changes to become more demonic. He feels bad about this, so he tries to supress his anger.
  • His manager makes him wax parts of his body to appeal to the larger female demographic of fans.
  • He has 6 siblings- 1 older and 5 younger.
  • He loves fitness and is the face of many brands sponsoring him.
  • His fire doesn't burn him, as he's fireproof, but it does get him hot. This means his performance gear is very revealing, allowing him more free movement and ease to sweat.
  • His love language is physical touch.
  • He can bake Polvorosas, but not much else.

Alignment Chaotic Good
Sin Wrath
Virtue Chastity

Class Upper Middle Class
Occupation Rockstar
Status Alive
Status Single


BOyfriend (?)

They became quick friends, though the real depth of their relationship is still in the works.

Holster really likes Diesel, he finds him inspiring and very fun. They share passions and mesh well with their large personalities. Holster is almost intimidated by the aspect of a real relationship, despite the fact that he does care for Diesel. His brand doesn't allow him to be public with his relatinship, nor his true stance in it, but they'll make do.