
1 month, 7 days ago


wow, flipp. i'm noticing a pattern in the people you latch on to.
my irresponsible little commander creature. they're another character for who if i don't write down their role in the story i'll forget.

the main higher-up that saw flipp's eagerness to assist and adopted him accordingly, inspiring him to get into the elite soldier program. vex only sees flipp as a very useful underling they can throw around, but their thoughts about him manifest in a way that makes flipp thinks they care about him more than they do (protecting him, vouching for him, treating him, etc.)
they're very loud, brash, and excitable. and very good at their job of being a commander. also naturally very controlling and loves having people under them, and they think they can do anything. perhaps a little more than their fellow commanders.

they find out where flipp is hired in foodcourtia on their own terms (the control brains kept their reassigning of failed elites a secret) and rolls up to the steakhouse/bbq interchangeably on their little breaks. sploo-khi isn't fond of them, obviously, and this causes its fair share of problems. (how dare my employee have a history and ties outside of their job?!)