Echo and Azure's Comments

Edit: I am not finished yet hold up LMA (wrtiing up a backstory/story)

spoilered it up since its too long sobs,,,

Name: Echo (it/its)
Species: Fish?
General Info:
- Normally swims along 100m-300m but goes up higher to observe the night sky
- It loves gazing up at the moon and stars, wondering what it would be like to
swim along the stars (bb <33)
- Mimics human speech but normally speaks through squeaks, clicks, or screeches
- Azure gave it the name since it often repeats words they said like an echo
- Collects shells and rocks though it loses them everytime (too dark :()
- Partially blind (cloudy eyes) and relies on the moonlight to guide them to safety

Name: Azure (they/them)
Age: 25-30
Species: Human
General Info:
- Barely removes the diving suit since theyre often diving and swimming around
- Works as an aquatic researcher since they're curious about what lies beneath the waters
- Muffled speech
- The only (maybe) lone survivor when their submarine broke down, thanks to Echo saving them :D

- Azure is actually dead due to the pressure of the ocean holding them down and eventually drowns but Echo still plays and interacts with them as if they're still alive
- Echo doesn't stay out of it's swimming range (100m-300m) for too long due to the fear that they will turn into those blobfishes when pulled out of water
- Both Azure and Echo have met Fischl and Ollie before, Echo met Ollie by mistaking Ollie's light as the moonlight so it follows them while Azure met Fischl upon trying to find Echo

You win 😎

yo can anyone reply to this comment so i wont forget

I hope you combust 

thanks :boom: