


1 month, 29 days ago


Name: Astor Rupes

Age: 31

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Gorgon

A gorgon who works as a librarian in Tourmaline City. He's mild-mannered and somewhat stern, preferring things to be neat and clean. As a gorgon, Astor possesses the ability to petrify people with his gaze, so he wears glasses to nullify this ability. He seems to resent his heritage and hates the idea of turning people to stone, being very wary of accidentally doing it. As such he always has a plentiful supply of antivenom on hand in case he accidentally petrifies someone.

When he's not running the Tourmaline Library during the day, Astor lets his wild side free and participates in motorbike races at night. He throws inhibition to the wind and becomes rather impulsive during his races; underneath the surface he is very competitive and has developed rivalries with many of his fellow racers.

Extra trivia;

- all the snakes in his hair are independent of him and each other

- he used to be a museum night guard but quit when a mummy kept pestering him