Katherine Moore



5 years, 9 months ago



Name: Katherine Moore

Nickname(s): Kat, Kitty, Kitten, Kate, Doll

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Pansexual(Switch)

Date of Birth: October 24th

Place of Birth: Manchester, UK

Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian/Nekomimi

Occupation/Job: Hot Topic worker

World/Universe: Fantasy version of our universe


Area of Residence/Environment: Miami, FL, US

Home Description: Lives in an high up apartment, that is filled with comfy furniture, her leather couch covered with a black fur blanket. She has a lot of small figurines on her shelves as well as a lot of books. Her bedroom is small, with a large bed that has three blankets on it plus another fur blanket. Her apartment has lovely dark and pastel tapestries on her walls all of them being of outdoor landscapes, mysterious and beautiful.

Health: Healthy-ish, A bit of an alcoholic and a smoker, Bad back thanks to chest size.

Hobbies: Raving, Napping, Working and more... Adult things.

Habits: Playing with her hair


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 138lbs

Skin Tone: Porcelain

Facial Shape: Oval

Eye Color: Pale yellow

Hair Style: Purple, mid back and wavy

Body Type: Hourglass, thicc(Natural DDD-cup)

Posture: Straight, sometimes slouched

Dress: Usually revealing clothing

Accessories: Collar with a bell on it mainly


Personality: Kat is a sly and cunning woman, she always looks like she is unimpressed and bored. Kat can be rather obedient. She tends to be tired a lot during the day due to the fact that she loves to go to raves and usually stays up all night. Getting close to Kat opens the possibility to see her more cuddly and friendly side. That is if she likes you, though she sometimes doesn't know how to handle this type of situation.

Likes: Cats, Alcohol, Partying, and Napping.

Dislikes: Deep water, Strict people and Needles.

Self Control: Low

Motivation: High

Intelligence Level: A bit lower then Average

Confidence Level: High af

Philosophy: There is no life if you don't let loose

Greatest Fear/Phobia: Deep Water/Sea plants


v Family v

  • N/A

v Friends v

  • N/A

v Best friend v

  • N/A

v Significant Other/Crush v

  • N/A

v Enemies v

  • N/A