Xia and Anzo



1 month, 20 days ago


Name: Xia 

Gender: Female(?)

Pronouns: Xey/Xem (Xey/Xem/Xeir/Xemself) 

Age: 19

Height: 5'5

Likes: Strawberries, pastries, marine biology. 


Name: Anzovelius "Anzo"

Gender: Male (in the dog way) 

Age: ????

Height: Just a little guy

Likes: Writing, pens, pencils, shrimp, crabs, Xia.


Backstory: WIP

A college student studying Biochemistry, college life was very normal until suddenly xey stumbled upon a weird flapjack octopus like creature crawling out of the water as she was at xeir local beach. 

The first words coming out of xeir mouth after seeing the creature is

"evolution sure fucked you up huh, poor guy has lungs...I wouldn't wanna be here. Come on". 

So xey took the creature into xeir dorm room. After the first few weeks of having him around he destroyed xeir dorm room 3 separate times cause he was left alone. Xey had to smuggle him into the dorm in the first place due to the dorms very explicit no pet rule (other than fish). 

Xey allow Anzo to sleep under xeir bed or later on letting him sleep on the empty bed in xeir dorm room. When xey went to release him, instead of going back into the water he attached himself to xeir legs to stay with xem, which xey finally gave up after he wouldn't let go. Over the rest of the semester Anzo had grown a liking to collecting and stealing Xias pens and pencils after seeing xem write. Xia would learn later that he taught himself English and how to write when all the sudden she walked into the bathroom one day to find that Anzo wrote his name in fountain pen ink all over the shower walls. This is how xey learned his name was Anzovelius instead of the beloved nickname xey gave him, "goober". 

Xey constantly hide him in xeir bookbag during the day if he refuses to stay in xeir dorm for xeir classes.

Xia is incredibly young for being currently in xeir 3rd year of college, during High school xey skipped both xeir sophomore and junior year, going immediately to senior year after freshman. This caused xem to graduate at 16 and immediately going to college to study biochemistry, a major xey didn't even want to learn. 

On one peaceful day however, as Xia was reading xeir book (The Call of Cthulhu), a loud crash occured and the next thing xey knew there was an entire crashed small ship right in the vacant half of xeir dorm room. Emerging from the ship, Nova, an alien from a unknown planet, quickly saw Xia's beloved octopus friend and got extremely excited, telling Xia that she's been looking all over for the little guy. Instead of Xia being frightened by the occurrence, xey were more intrigued by the existence of Nova and her species as a whole. Nova, wanting to see what Xia's planet had to offer, asked Xia to be basically her tour guide. Without much fuss, Xia accepted the offer: finding that xey really had nothing better to do. 

So together they explored the city that Xia resided in, doing everything it had to offer from going to boba shops together, going to small boutiques, to even going to Xia's favorite aquarium together. After countless restaurants and exploring of the nearby forest, and plenty of Nova getting terrified by the normal creatures of Xia's planet, it was time for Nova to move on. But instead of leaving with no word, she offered to take Xia and Anzo with her. Xia thought about this, on one hand xey still had college and a life here. On the other hand, xey haven't felt a true friendship blooming in a long time. So after much consideration, Xia packed up xeir belongings and went along with Nova back to her planet. 

Character notes: 

Xia has a flatter chest (around an A cup) please don't draw xem with the biggest honkers ever, it's just not xeir character. 

Anzo can change his size at will so feel free to draw him as any and all sizes! 

Anzo has a cat tree in Xia's room that he uses to sleep/perch on, a wooden dowel being present on it that Anzo likes to hang off of. Feel free to draw him in a cat tree! He loves his cat tree alot. 

Feel free to change Xia's outfit! Id love to see other ideas for fun little outfits.