


1 month, 23 days ago



Name Channary
Designer Sixbane
Gender Female
ObtainedSelf created
Significant OtherNone
Rules N/A

RoleTeekin Spiritualist


  • Her water glitters with little crescent moons. They are not stationary/can be random

✔/ Careful - Wise - Observant - Kind - Reflective - Earnest

X/ Prone to panic - Anxious - Easily distressed - Paranoid - Shy - Skittish

Channary is a paranoid little teekin with a deep fear/distrust for human-kind. She watches her clan mingle and trade friendly with them, but urges them to be careful and try to keep to the traditional ways of their kind that keep them safe from being captured or hunted. She isn't aggressive towards humans, and doesn't even dislike them- really, she understands they are all different, but due to a close incident in her childhood she really wishes the other teekin of her family would keep in mind how dangerous they can be with their size and intentions

She is often called a nag and a buzzkill by her clanmates, which she pretends doesn't bother her- though it most definitely does. She's often insecure about if she's doing the right thing, but she says there's never anything wrong with being careful. 


  • She occasionally receives magical visions- which is why she's the group's priestess/spiritualist. Teekin have no organized 'religion' specifically, the closest they have is their deep spiritual connection to the moon and sea. Channary indicates her visions come from the light of the moon. The actual origins are unknown, but presumably some sort of ability to tap into magic of some nature. (or perhaps, she simply has an overactive imagination). 

Channary is one of a group of teekins living in a seaside cave system under the cliffs of the school of Ipus. She and her clan are known associates of the school, who often trade crystals and other such things they find in the caverns in exchange for food or gifts from the local mages.

They are not magically inclined, but are thrilled to help their human associates, and the little buggers can even drive a hard bargain when they want. 

They cannot communicate directly with these humans, so trading is usually negotiated with squeaks and squawks or head bobs rather than actual words. 

Channary is the group's 'priestess' of a sort, performing traditions that honor the sea and moon on behalf of her clan. She is skittish, choosing to run from humans- and has a great fear of magic. She is not opposed to change, but is terrified her group may turn from their roots and forget themselves in exchange for the lifestyle of humans who don't always have their best interests at heart. 

Channary herself was nearly captured by rambunctious teenage humans as a littleling, trapped in a jar and only escaping thanks to the quick actions of her family -as such she's particurally suspicious of them.


  • The moon
  • Still water and reflections, Mirrors
  • Her clan
  • Sea Thrift plants

  • Humans
  • Being treated like a worrywart
  • Human cities/Machinery
  • Illness

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.