


5 years, 9 months ago


Adopted from naмι тнe ѕмol вean (#112820) on Lioden


He/him, she/her, they/them

Free-spirited, careless and fun-loving. Scyles is breezy but genuinely nice and thoughtful to everyone they meet. They bounce from one friend-group to another, eagerly travelling as much of the world as they can. They lust for adventure and their sense of curiosity is strong. They have an innate need to know everything about the world and they're actually really intelligent, but they're not too bothered if they don't get to find something out. After all, life is an adventure and you can't always be sure where it will take you or what you will learn. No-one has ever witnessed a sad Scyles - perhaps because grief and sadness aren't things that they take to heart/that bothers them that much. Who knows why? They seem to be rather mysterious in that regard. They also know not to take negativity or hate of others to heart, especially when it's directed towards them. They understand that not everyone in life is happy, and some are even less so, and that not everyone they meet will like them. And that's ok with them. Life goes on

If they were in Hogwarts, they'd be in Hufflepuff
