The Lion (26)



1 month, 10 days ago


Name:  The Lion - Leonis (left) & Leonine (right)

Stage:  6.2 Supernova


Mask: Melted + Flat

Mane: Sharp + Round

Core: Eclipse + Classic

Claws: Classic

Flare: Flame

Mutations: Two-Heads

Extra notes: Collectively known as The Lion, Leonis (left) and Leonine (right) are constantly locked in an internal fight for dominance over their shared body. Leonis is filled forever filled with rage that not even his brute strength can save him from this nightmare. He is the angrier of the two and is the fuel for their fire. Leonine is wracked with envy, for he is better than everyone yet is resigned to sharing a body. His narcissistic ways fuel the pairs blinding glow. They each fight a mental battle for control over their body to live their individual lives how they please, their conflict causing neither of them to be able to do so. Their masks have melted together as they begin to lose their sense of self and struggle against the forces conjoining them. No one knows if they were born this way or if some cruel twist of fate it responsible, but their screeches and cries can be heard far and wide as their raging inferno carries on its hopeless existence.