

5 years, 9 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.



  • Alias Mayday
  • Species Human
  • Sex Male
  • Age 14 (Start), 17 (Comeback)
  • Height 170 cm (5'7)
  • Hair Color Black
  • Eye Color Gray
  • Occupation Hero
  • Affiliation Unnamed
  • Status Alive



Stance is a very mild-mannered and rational character who is dependent on his comrades for a sense of security. He doesn't like involving himself in matters among the other, older allies, feeling that he's too young to understand, making him seem very distant. Along with being detached, he is unsure about himself and his abilities, fearing that he'll do something wrong.

He does not realize he is more capable than he thinks, since he rarely puts in enough punch during sparring, claiming that he "doesn't want to accidentally hurt someone." Despite this initial insecurity, Stance will force himself to break out of his comfort zone when there is no one else to assure him that he's doing the right thing, such as in the heat of battle. Stance is generally not fond of harming unless he needs to, making him more of a supporting fighter. He did not intend to be a hero at all, since that was what he was running away from for so long, but since Dodge was trying to keep an eye on him while performing his duties, he just brought Stance along on all his errands.

During his time at home, Stance was relentlessly pressured by his parents to become a human hero after they saw how successful Rooster Kid initially was. They ridiculed his passion for engineering and creation, despite the fact that Stance was the person directly helping Dodge and was the first to see his true identity besides Splinter. Because of this attitude towards his work, Stance is not incredibly proud with his creations, seeing them as average projects. However, he does like to pride himself on his academic knowledge. 

Stance expresses interest in engineering, astronomy, and history. 


Before his time at the hero's academy, Stance had neat black hair cut above his ears and an average freckled face. After being attacked, Stance unmasked himself briefly to Dodge, revealing that the left side of his face was reduced to a dark, shriveled texture, caving in his cheek and bulging his cheekbone. His left eye was sealed shut, and some of the hair at his temple may have been affected. He maintained his very skinny build throughout the years.

Stance keeps his mask on whenever anyone else is present/he's in public, for the reasons being 1) he doesn't want to be spotted by his parents after running away 2) he doesn't like his face/the feeling of open air against the marred skin. After the brief reveal to Dodge, no one has seen his full face since. The mask is a green and yellow full-head mask, with blank eyes and a wide, sharp toothed grin. A single flexible antennae sticks up from the top, sending Stance's brain signals to his drones. He usually wears his hero outfit in public, which is a green and yellow full-body suit. He has thick bands on his wrists, which also serve as remotes/signallers to command and summon his drones.

When he is at home or running small errands like grocery shopping, he likes to wear hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. He is especially fond of space shirts. 


  • Drones
    • Stance has two spherical drones that can hover and fly. Their movements and abilities are controlled by the bands on his wrists, which detect motion and finger movements. Stance can use them as:
      • Blunt weapons 
        • Being a skinny human who has no super strength, he can use the drones as huge, flying fists that can smash into things. 
      • Laser emission
        • The drones have mouth-like openings that can crack open and fire burning beams of light.
      • Transportation
        • Since they are able to fly, Stance can stand/sit upon a drone and fly himself around, giving him a more three-dimensional fighting area. 
      • Shields
        • Since they are seemingly impenetrable, Stance can use the drones as flying shields to protect himself from attacks.
      • Vocal proxy
        • Stance does not like talking. Since his hero identity is constantly exposed due to him always wearing his mask, someone might be recording him, and his parents might realize that he is their son. To counter this, Stance sends his brain waves to his drones, who speak on his behalf in a croaky, electronic voice. 
  • Antennae 
    • The antennae on his head sends voiced thoughts and commands to his drones.
  • Wristbands
    • His wristbands are the main controllers of his drones.
Unique Abilities
  • Intellect 
    • Stance is the most educated, rational member of the group, allowing him to create solutions and plans quickly. 


Stance's mother is the more verbal one out of his parents, being the "spokesperson." She highly disapproves of his engineering hobby, believing that it is not a glamorous or rewarding job, for engineering is a fairly mediocre career in that city. Although she never directly attacks him for his work, she and his father never buy him engineering tools, preferring to gift him hero figurines. After Dodge surfaces as a human hero who doesn't flop immediately, she sees this as an opportunity for Stance to ride along on the human heroes wave. The pressure intensifies from there, despite Stance informing her that he is working with Dodge himself as his technology mentor and is helping him cope with his cousin's death. Stance's mother was not happy about her son being a "behind-the-scenes" person, and was so frustrated to the point where Stance is sent to a hero boot camp for several months. Being a fairly small character who was not allowed to use his inventions in training, Stance suffers from many losses and painful injuries.

After Stance returns with a marred appearance, his mother breaks down, but for the reason that her son is destined to fail. Stance runs away from home. 


Stance's father has the same mindset as his mother, although he does not speak directly to Stance about it, preferring to discuss with his mother first and having her communicate to him on his behalf.


  • Stance's 30 Things consist of:
    • Drawing maps. Robots. Programming robots. Being the smartest. Avoiding my parents! Eavesdropping on conversations. The color green. And the color yellow. Vegetables. And eggs! Getting praised for my inventions. Avoiding shopping trips with Dodge. Not talking. Listening to Heed's weird attempts at being inspirational. Ducks. Combing my hair (even though no one sees it). Looking at artifacts from Earth. Glow in the dark things. Pranking Aim with Dodge. Pinning the blame on Dodge because who could suspect a wordless guy like me?Electronic dance music. Having crises over whether or not Dodge just sees me as a replacement for Splinter. Flying around on my droids! Hugging my droids. Confiding with my droids (without them, I am nothing). Not being ignored. Mysteries. Being able to type really fast. Having the BEST handwriting. And lastly, telling Dodge to clean up his apartment.