Aurel Renastré



5 years, 9 months ago



■ Name: Aurel Renastré
■ Race: Witch! (A cursed one!)
■ Ethnicity: Half-Pakistani, Half-Saudi
■ Age: (???) However old they are, their skin is flawless and dermatologists hate them
■ Gender: He/Him or They/Them pronouns
■ Romantic / Sexual Orientation: if they can smooch they aren't gonna complain hA-
■ Birthday: April 19th
■ Height//Weight: 5’11”//Slim, Fit, and Wearing Sweet Kicks-

Aurel specializes in bloodline magic- their blood is the result of generations upon generations of incredibly powerful magic users so it’s a bit supercharged in a way. It’s particularly effective for rituals, scrying, and charm making.
Aurel also dabbles in potion making, particularly poisons. They frequently make new poisons, and their respective cures, for fun. Their actual knowledge in plants and herbs is all hands-on and experimental, and frankly, a bit unorthodox.
They're also quite fond of ancient runes, deciphering old texts is ESSENTIAL for their plans so they are almost always working on translating some dusty spell or ritual in their free time and/or doing research.


■ Personality:

+ Confident || Free-thinking || Progressive || Meticulous

Aurel is a free spirit- he does what he wants and doesn’t care about what people think. He disapproves of following baseless traditions without critically examining them, which is just a nicer way of saying that traditions mean literally nothing to him and are, frankly, a waste of time. Despite his somewhat ditzy persona, he is a hardworking individual, and pours himself into his work, priding himself on his organizational skills and plan-making.

= Glamorous || Proud || Unhurried || Stubborn

Aurel goes at his own pace in his own way- it’s his way or the highway and he’s very adamant about that fact. He’s had his fair share of being told what to do- and frankly he’s never been a fan of it to put it lightly. Besides, his ideas are almost always way better (and executed with much more style).

- SPOILED || Flippant || Pessimistic || Decadent

There’s no delicate way to put this: Aurel is a completely spoiled brat. He’s used to getting what he wants and can act incredibly bratty and childish when things do not go his way. He will definitely waste money on things HE wants and has no concept of pacing himself, which means he burns out rather quickly. He is also very dismissive of people- he trusts himself first and foremost and if you don’t impress him he has no time to waste on you. He’s also incredibly bitter about certain things, like love, and family traditions, etc. Basically, he’s Stingy from LazyTown I'm not even remotely joking-


■ Background:

The Curse:
No one knows the EXACT circumstances of the Renastré family curse. Was it the result of an ancient lover’s spat? A jealous witch? An attempt to stifle the family’s status influence? Regardless, the basic fact is this: the Renastré family is cursed in that whenever they are kissed they are transformed into a significantly weaker, vulnerable state: a frog. Another kiss thankfully reverses the state.
It is said that the only way to truly BREAK the curse is to find “true love” but really? That’s bullshit right? Either way, the family of magic users has dealt with the affliction for countless generations, but over the many years, it appears that the curse grows stronger. Which really just sucks, but what can you do?


Aurel felt very much like a princess trapped in a tower. And they are no damsel in distress thank you very much! They are determined to live their life without the constant expectations of familial traditions and fearing the stupid “curse” or whatever - AND they were going to do it without that "true" love nonsense.
The obvious solution was to basically run away from home. There was nothing there that would help them with their goal, so they took to traveling the world and researching, while also enjoying some well-deserved freedom of course.

■ Likes/Dislikes

+ Kisses (his Achilles’ heel- honestly, he has no shame and he really needs to work on his self-control...
+ Himself (wouldn’t you?~)
+ Piano! (He’s a decent player when he’s actually being serious. Which is like never so uh… rip)
+ Fashion (especially shoes!)
+ Laughing (he loves to laugh, like LEGIT laugh not the polite laughter and all that nonsense. Honestly? Best way to get him to like you)
+ Presents (spoil him rotten and you’ll get along with him just fine- actual gifts and/or money is acceptable~)

- The Curse*
- Romantic Comedies (they all suck and true love doesn’t exist anyways-)
- Being ignored
- Not being taken seriously (hey he’s a pretty damn good witch! Despite the flippant, careless attitude that is)
- Being scared (he’ll shriek and get seriously pissed off afterwards)
- Birds/Snakes/Anything that will eat him basically- (he can sense them and they’re scary??? He would prefer to NOT to interact with his natural predators thanks-)