


1 month, 7 days ago


“Et tu, Brute?”

Note: not every thing in here is accurate to the real world, this character lives in a world where Maine is mostly forests with occasional towns.


General Information 

First name: Cæsar

Nicknames: Voice, Sheep

Surname: Caddel

Age: 21

Date of birth: 8/16/2003

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Current residence: His mothers home in the mountains

Traits of Voice

Accent: Slight European(?) but not very noticeable, pronounced certain letters weirdly

Primary language: English

Other languages known: Scots Gaelic, sign language, Sheepfolk language.

Physical Appearance

Height: 6’7

Weight: 198 lbs

Eye color: Blue

Skin color: Pale tan/white

Distinguishing features: White hair and tail

Hair color: White

Hair style: Long 

Tattoos/piercings: Fanged serpent down his left arm, small tongue piercing

Typical clothing: Heavy boots and winter wear, including a thick winter coat with a fur collar.


Likes: Snow, quietness, his moms cat when it isn’t attacking him 10000 times a day

Dislikes: Sudden loud noises and crowds

Fears: Being crushed by a tree, small spaces, coyotes

General attitude: Keeps to himself and doesn’t talk to much, will feed squirrels or whistle when working just for fun.

General sociability: Literally doesn’t care about going anywhere, can be willingly dragged from place to place.


Allergies: Pollen

Energy level: Normal

Eating habits: Regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Memory: Pretty good

Unhealthy habits: Biting nails when bored

Diseases/concerns: None


Birth country: America

Hometown: Millinocket, Maine

Childhood: Lived with his mother and father and went to school regularly, didn’t go out too much but made friends. Closed up for a few years after his father died.

Teen years: Moved to a small village near the Appalachian Mountains and started learning to hunt and fend for himself with his mother while going into to town occasionally for things like newspapers and to sell what he finds.

Adult years: Currently lives around Mt. Katahdin with his mother and a cat while hunting small game for the two of them and making use of the trees to sell as firewood for town while working as a baker.

Past places of residence: Millinocket, Maine.

History of family: Long chain of mixed Celtics on his mothers side and mostly Welsh on his fathers.

Brief life story: wip


Parents: Cairistiòna and Ellis

Siblings: None

Friends: Pygst, Variegata, a bunch of old childhood friends who moved away.

Love interest: None yet


Occupation: Part time baker at the local village/self provider for himself and his mother

Current home: Katahdin

Favorite foods: Venison, cookies, toast

Favorite drinks: Water, lemonade

Hobbies/past times: Writing / Drawing

Pets: Mother’s cat named Mittens

Favorite colors: White and blue

Favorite type of music: Orchestral 

Abilities: Transforming into the sheep creature at will

