
Name (& pronunciation): Dante Veitch (Don-tay Veech)

Date of Birth (& age): Oct 13 // 31

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Height: 6'2"

Personality/Attitude: He's the type of scientist who has no limits when it comes to accomplishing his goals. Even when he has no goals, he'll find something to do, usually involving grafting and other sorts of messed up experiments. He's currently attempting to locate an 'experiment' of his who fled from him, who he refers to as his 'Lovely Diana.' Any inquiries about who she is only earns the response; "A very important person."

Relationship Status: His lover is Anpu, a grim reaper sent to collect his soul. The problem is, however, Dante continuously dodges death by providing him with the souls of his murder victims.


He will never tell anyone exactly why he does what he does. He just does it.

Any pushy questions about his face will promptly earn you a place on his kill list. He's somewhat self-conscious of it, and it's unclear whether he was the one to stitch it or not.