

1 month, 25 days ago



Please understand that I do not want my designs or OCs going to these blacklisted users. I do not care if you associate with them (unless they did EXTREMELY problematic behavior) just don’t mention them around me. These users are not allowed to use any of my art UNLESS it was given to them previously before the blacklist.


I have the right to revoke MY designs if you are found to be a :

- Proshipper

-Groomer / P3do

-Homophobic / Transphobic 

- Zoophile

-Using my designs for hateful propaganda [i.e: homophobia, p3dophilia, zoophilia, etc]

-Sold my design to a blacklisted user

Depending on the situation I'm willing to compromise! Just talk with me and it can be sorted out :]

Updated 06/18/24

Marsh0Metal (TH)/ _Buttercup_ (TH) / Google.exe_edwards (IG)/

Status: Permanent

Villainized mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and DID. Proship-like behavior and simply for a REAL 50+-year-old person. Unfair trades, low-quality and rushed artwork despite their personal art pieces being high quality. False allegations of grooming. Their ocs were all sexual, specifically, their oc Unknown lived off sex (despite Marshall being a minor at the time this all happened) and was misogynistic, racist, and trans/homophobic. They’d have another oc later down the road known as Madness who enjoyed sex and pain as well. Blacklisting me because I am a 'weird person' and 'being biased' despite me and others being a victim of their rude and unfair behavior. Shit talked about users in the server they were a part of while in VC, and were told by other users to stop talking shit. they’d disregard vents a lot and often found themselves venting a lot in voice calls or over people in the vent chat. They’d constantly belittle others f/o’s. Stalking despite being blocked.

Sky_the_observer (IG/AMINO) 
Status: Permanent

Stalking, threats, false accusations

Molly / Jeremy / confetticakiez / confettistorage (IG) / OwlBunLittlespa \ MilliesOcStorag \ NEEDYOWL \ SpaceBxxny / eyeceeee (TT) / KittyMamaa (dA) / and many more 

Status: Permanent

Z00phile, p3do, incest shipper, Tracer, manipulator, etc ect


Status: Permanent

P3dophile, Groomer, Harasser, Manipulator, n3crophile, and much more

Slyzeke101 (IG/AMINO/TWT)

Status: Permanent

Harasser, manipulator, close friends with Eluseci despite him being a p3dophile, etc

Unknownspy (IG/TWT) 

Status: Permanent

Has been affiliated with other dramas in the past specifically copying others' OC[s], refusing to listen to victims Eluseci, and continuing to promote his fanart despite being shown evidence of his cruel behavior. Instead of communicating with me, or politely telling me to not talk to them, they simply told me 'Don't talk to me ever again' and blocked me. They are putting their fan base at risk and platforming a problematic individual.

Ravayegen/Velenciaga/ZATAN/JJ/JayT (TWT/IG/TH) 
Status: Permanent

Groomer has admitted this IN HIS INSTA STORY), starts petty drama, liar, manipulator, gaslighter, etc

Status: Permanent

Associated with Zatan / JJ / JayT