Ashaqì Mínyuè "Sunswimmer"



28 days, 3 hours ago


Ashaqi Minyue "Sunswimmer"

Power: Solar Conduit

Age: 23

Height: 5'1

The first daughter of the Minyue banking clan. She's snooty and used to getting her way, just going with the flow and assuming it'll all work out. Highly social and prone to getting upset when denied an opportunity to be at a gathering. She just about constantly shirks her responsibilities as an adult to spend time partying or clubbing even to the point she's bummed out of the prestigious college her parents spent money getting her into. Her parents care for her greatly, but their relationship is strained because of Ashaqi's brazenness with the amount of privilege she has.

//cw animal death

She had a relatively normal childhood growing up, up until her solar powers manifested and she ended up completely disintegrating the family dog in a bright flash of flame by accident and severely injuring herself in the process.

After the incident, her life became a much more private one as recovered from the accident. Literally overnight, Minyue Holdings began looking into burgeoning power-dampening technology to keep their daughter and others safe from her explosive power. Eventually finding promise in a trial run of a new power suppressant medicine being developed by a fledgling Caligari Co. and investing millions to fund it's further development. Thanks to this medicine, Ashaqi was able to get back up on her feet and live a normal life again, passing high school and going to college....but eventually bumming out of the latter due to her caring so little about her actual studies.

During one particular day, Ashaqi ended taking her meds a few hours late before she went to a rave. She vibed, drank, and was having the time of her life, nothing could ruin the moment in her eyes... Up until she struck her finger in the air for a dramatic pose mid-dance and unleashed a bright solar flare that melted the roof of the warehouse and created an uncontrollable blaze in an instant. She was knocked down to the ground by her own power, trying to extinguish her arm that was CURRENTLY ON FIRE while everyone else ran in terror and dispersed as the blaze kicked up and began running for their lives.

She managed to get out with only her damaged arm, luckily enough. But her luck ran out when other partygoers identified Ashaqi on the scene as the culprit behind the sudden and devastating fire and bright flash that illuminated the city block. Ashaqi tried to escape the scene but it wasn't long before the police and a hero were on the scene to apprehend her. The hero worked on extinguishing the fire while Ashaqi flailed and kicked at officers, shouting vain excuses to try and get herself freed. "I saw her run off that way!" "Someone's framing me!" "I'll pay you to let me go!" But as she got more and more frusturated, Ashaqi opened her mouth to scream and unintentionally breathed a thick stream of flame all over. She lost control and in her volatile emotional state she breathed fire and doused the area in radiation as she flailed around up until she was incapacitated by the hero on the scene.

News for the next few days would be about the fire in the industrial district, statements from party-goers looking for their five minutes of fame talking about the girl that burnt the place down with her dance moves, police officers and heros making statements and politicians calling for action against dangerous mutants. But like all news cycles, she faded from the public as Ashaqi was ordered by the court to be taken by a safe place to have her powers tested by a hero and properly guide her on how to use them better.

Power Summary:

Overpowered and out of control. Rather than a "normal" fire-producing power, Ashaqi is a conduit for the indomitable power of the sun itself. Manifesting as solar flares she can emit radiation leakage from her body. Able to microwave people by staring at them too hard or blasting small buildings into ash with a flick of her wrist. She leaves a radioactive signature behind and is easily able to be tracked using radiation-sensitive equipment. But this devastating power from space is just as harmful to herself as it is the environment around her, burning herself with fire blasts and getting caught in her own blazes if she isn't careful enough. The only exception to this is radiation-based effects.

Her father and sister have a similar power, but they are only able to make and control small flames without the self-destructive properties

Fashion Style

- Low cut dresses with cargo pants underneath.

- Rave kandi

- Chunky oversized boots.