The Universe's Archangel (SCP)



1 month, 20 days ago



Item #: SCP-42333

Object class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-42333 is to be given a 12'x20'x10' room of her liking. All decor SCP-42333 requests must be checked in with Dr.Shannon, Supervisor ███████████ and Dr.████████

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: any additional containment procedures that were added after the initial containment, for example due to an event taking place, go here.

Description: SCP-42444

Addendum 1.0: Discovery of SCP-32444

On March 23,████, SCP-42333 appeared at the main doors of site 19 at ██████████. The anonomly did not appear on security footage until a 10 frame interference stutter allowed her to appear. None of the guards and sounding members of the site 19 foundation reported seeing the anonomly approach the gates or the doors. In fact, No one noticed her until she somehow walked through the locked front doors without a foundation ID. When security approached the Tall humanoiod and demanded that she needed to identify herself or leave, The woman only said "I would like to be contained, please." with a sweet smile on her face. Unsure of how to react, security called the Facility's MTF and a available doctor when the anonomly refused to answer any questions and the anonomly willingly complied with being cuffed and taken to an observation room upon orders from Dr.████████ ██████.

The text in this section has been [REDACTED]1 by authorised personnel. It was absolutely ██████████2.

a picture taken of SCP-32444 when she first entered the foundation by Dr.Shannon

the "Who are you?" interview for SCP-32444, her first one at that

Date: 25/04/████

Interviewers:Dr. Gwendolyn Shannon and Dr.████████ ██████

Interviewee: SCP-32444


Dr.Shannon: Good Morning, 32444. Do you have a preferred name? (Dr.Shannon picks up her clipboard)

SCP-32444: Greetings. (32444 opens her eyes) ... 3

Dr.████████ : 32444, will you respond to her question? (Dr.████████ )

SCP-32444: ...

Dr.Shannon: No response..? 32444, why did you turn yourself in? Are you of dangerous nature? (Dr.Shannon looks up at SCP-32444)

SCP-32444: ... (32444 shifts in her chair)

Dr.████████ : Okay.. (Dr.████████ turns to Dr.Shannon. ) Lets take a break..

SCP-32444: Already? Surely, my strange friends, you'll introduce yourselves first, no?

Dr.Shannon: (Dr.Shannon seemed surpised to hear her voice) ah, right..Im Doctor Shannon, this is Dr.████████ ( Dr.Shannon gestures over to Dr.████████)

SCP-32444: I see... You were sent here to talk to me?

Dr.Shannon: yes, We need to know why you're here.

SCP-32444: You have to figure that out, no?

Dr.Shannon: yes.. but it seems that you dont want to answer my questions to do so.

SCP-32444: I dont answer questions, Doctor. (32444 straightens up, smiling at Dr.Shannon)

Dr.████████: Then whats the point of this?

SCP-32444: ... (32444 turns towards Dr.████████, tilting her head at him..)

Dr.Shannon: (Shannon gasps, writting on her clipboard) I get it now!

SCP-32444: Do you?

Dr.Shannon:Maybe.. We will stop this interview here. Thank you for your time, 32444. Ill be back around the same time tomorrow to chat again.

SCP-32444: Farewell, Doctors.


Interviewer's Note: SCP-32444 does NOT respond to questions, ONLY statements. Is this a possible way to maintain control?

An interview with SCP-32444 testing Dr.Shannon's notes from 25/04's interview

Date: 26/04/████

Interviewers:Dr. Gwendolyn Shannon

Interviewee: SCP-32444


Dr.Shannon: Good Morning again, 32444. Can I test something?

SCP-32444: Hello, Doctor. (32444 opens her eyes) ...

Dr.Shannon: I know you hate questions. (Dr.Shannon sits infront of 32444)

SCP-32444: I dont hate questions.

Dr.Shannon : hm.. okay, 32444.. ( Dr.Shannon writes something down, reviewing her notes)

SCP-32444: My name is Omni, not 32444 by the way.

Dr.Shannon: (Dr.Shannon looks up) Thats a very broad name, please be specific, also 32444 is your classification number for our records, and since we didn't know your name

SCP-32444: I see... perhaps Omniscience or Omnipotence is more to your liking?

Dr.Shannon: I meant first and last, but this will do. Thank you, 32444-...Omni

SCP-32444: yes, of course.

Dr.Shannon: you're not from here.

SCP-32444: No. not at all (32444 stands up suddenly, scaring Dr.Shannon)

Dr.Shannon: (Shannon also stands up) Stay seated, please. I will contact MTF if you overstep

SCP-32444: Easy, Doctor.. I am of no harm, but word of advice... (32444 leans over the table, getting closer to Dr.Shannon) Not everything can be repressed. (32444 sits back down putting her hands together)

Dr.Shannon: You should tell me who you are..

SCP-32444: hm.. Why me.. I am everything but nothing at all

Dr.Shannon: Everything.. And.. You're some sort of god.

SCP-32444: No. More of Archangel.

Dr.Shannon:The archangel of earth, I can see it.

SCP-32444: More than that.

Dr.Shannon:Well then, i'm honored to meet the Universe's Archangel.

SCP-32444: Honored to be of service, Dr.Shannon. 32444 smiles at Dr.Shannon; the tape cuts there


Interviewer's Note: SCP-32444's new file name will be updated to "SCP-32444- "The Universe's Archangel""; The anonomly shall enter the testing phase with extreme caution. Anonomly might require transfering to site 45 for religious/superstitious testing if what she claims is true.

Addendum #.#: Observation Log

Explanation of the study or studies

Observational Log #.OL.# SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-#

Preface: Conditions before the experiment: how did test subject get here, how did they react before the test, and which preparations were made

Observation Notes: Observed behaviour and effects

Addendum #.#: Observation Log

Explanation of the study or studies

Observational Log #.OL.# SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-#

Preface: Conditions before the experiment: how did test subject get here, how did they react before the test, and which preparations were made

Observation Notes: Observed behaviour and effects


1. Footnote #1

2. Footnote #2

3. Footnote #3