


5 years, 9 months ago
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14.94 Ft
887.9 Lbs
Gender Male
Birthday July 10th


• Exploring 》 As stated earlier, Anole is a big fan of change and new things/ideas- both literally exploring and experimenting lead to new discoveries , and discoveries bring just that. This also includes gaining knowledge/learning new and exciting things.

• Conversating 》 Like most social people, Anole is a big fan of listening and contributing to conversations. He may not necessarily be the best at listening, as he can get distracted pretty easily, he really enjoys doing it when he can.

• Nature 》 While socializing and being around people is great, some nice time alone never hurts. It allows for some peaceful self thoughts and just gets him away from the real world for a bit. He can literally just blend in and be a part of the world, without troubles or being bothered in the slightest. This also includes learning the history of the land and observing landscapes.


• Ignorance 》 Pretty much speaks for itself- he just doesn’t like it when someone can’t accept someone else or when they refuse to even attempt getting along with someone. It just causes unnecessary drama, which is something he really likes to stay out of.

• Fake People 》 People who are a completely different person behind your back- someone who will stab you in the back as soon as you turn around. Snakey people are the worst kind of people in existence to Anole. Pretty self-explanatory as to why.

• Failure 》 Just a simple, common dislike. He simply just really likes getting his work done on time and succeeding at doing said work, no questions about it.


Just like a basic about. Like a description of the character or their key features. Can be long or short. Just needs to help tell the reader who the character is and how to draw them.



Adaptability 》 Anole is very open to new surroundings and ideas, both physically and mentally. He enjoys when things in his life are mixed up, as they bring new experiences- unlike a lot of people, he really loves change. It allows himself to see the world in a new way.

Dependable 》 This dragon's very easy to depend on, as he finishes any work given to him as fast and accurately as he can. You got a job that needs to be done? He's got you covered! He tries his best to never let anyone down, but can and will realize that he can make mistakes just like everybody else (Though, it does still get him down when it happens).

Clever 》 He is the opposite of a moron- a bit of a mini-genius, actually. While he's nowhere near Albert Einstein level, he can solve problems efficiently and quickly and is honestly really brainy.


Meticulous 》 Being a perfectionist has both its highs and lows. On one hand, it leads to one's success due to, well, perfection on most everything the said person does. On the other, it can lead to one's demise due to just spending too much time on a single thing. Even though Anole tries his best to avoid being so meticulous, it's inevitable to happen at times.

Trusting 》 This is both good and bad. On one hand, if you’re close with him, he’ll trust you to hell and back with just about anything you say and do. Of course there are exceptions, like when someone’s telling an obvious lie or when they need to lie to protect him, but the point still stands. If you’re close with him and you make him lose trust in you, then he’ll definitely be shattered.

Imaginative 》 While being imaginative isn’t too much of a downfall, it still does certainly have some downfalls to it. While it makes for great creativity, it can also make Anole zone/space out when he’s supposed to be paying attention- it’s especially bad if something is dire. It’s happened a lot.


Fidgety 》 Is Anole easy to talk to? Well… yes, but really only to people who already know how to talk to him. He’s restless a lot of the times, always itching for something and isn’t that great at staying focused.

Obvious 》 Good luck trying to keep something completely hidden with Anole. He’ll definitely try to be subtle about anything and everything you want kept on the down-low, but usually he ends up accidentally pointing it out. He’s the literal definition of “cartoon characters whistling when they’re pretending that nothing’s wrong”.

Dogmatic 》 Anole definitely does love new ideas, but once he agrees with one it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to change his mind. He believes in opinions like they’re facts, and thus talks about them as such.


You can put your character's backstory here. It can be long or short, it's all up to you! You could also use this box for anything really.

HTML Profile by Coywolfy