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User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

NOTE: I will be pretty inactive from the 28th to sometime in August :sob: This isn't really willingly on my part, sadly my parent's are pretty strict and being allowed to use my tablet is a rare occasion ): I'll try and log on as often as possible, but if on the small chance you're here because I won a raffle or something after I'm no longer as active and you don't know what character I'd like drawn, pick from the following: 

Humanoid: Timothee, Yeager, Marshal, Dargoth, Aethelric, Jesse, Mercury, or Cygnus

Anthro: Micheal, Mark

Feral(?): Echo

Pairs:  Aethelric and  Dargoth (If an idea is needed, I'd love a drawing of the two posed either like this: pic one with Aethelric sitting with a book instead of the instrument and Dartoth standing; or a scene where Aethelric has defeated Dargoth in a battle, bloody and bruised, with Dargoth is stuck on the ground looking in awe while Aethelric stares down at him, exhausted but proud.) Micheal and Mark (again, if poses are needed, something similar to this one or this one!) 

Hello, and welcome!

A few things before you enter the realm of chaos that is my account!

  • I’m a minor. Seventeen, to be exact. I will never lie about my age, and if you’d rather not interact with me till Im 18, that’s fine! I completely get it.
    • HOWEVER: I would prefer not to interact with anyone younger than 13, but that’s about it in age restrictions. Anyone older than 13 is welcome here! (I don’t count follows and favorites as interactions, fyi)
  • I have a tendency to swear, a lot. Just give me a heads up if you’d rather I didn’t when interacting with you, and I’ll make sure to respect your wishes!
  • I am not up to date on who is a shitty person or not, so if I’m ever praising someone who is a known asshole, please let me know! I do not endorse any sort of shitty behavior and would want to take down whatever I said immediately! 
    • In a similar thought, some of my characters have some... not great behaviors, and I don't support or glamorize that. I do not think that their actions are okay at all.
  • I am not religious in any way. I don’t hate people who are, I just find it irritating when people try and cram it down my throat. 
    • HOWEVER: If you use it as an excuse to not support people of the LGBTQIA+ community, get off my page please. 
    • I really don’t like sexualized nuns (or other people from different religions who are similar, should that be a thing? I’m very uneducated about religion sorry!), so please don’t show me them. I might not be religious but I think it’s pretty disrespectful.
  • If I owe you art, I apologize for any delay! We recently had to put down my childhood dog (May 10th, 2024), and it’s… hard. I promise I’ll get it done before the 24th!
  • I have a horrible memory, and pretty bad time blindness. I also get pretty anxious and overthink a lot, so if you’re waiting to hear back from me and it’s been longer than a week, feel free to send a message! I probably cleared the notification by accident and then forgot I hadn’t responded, or I started overthinking my response and put off doing it until I forgot about it.
  • As stated earlier, I get pretty anxious and don’t like starting conversations. However, if you message me or comment on any of my characters I will respond! I love talking with people!
  • Feel free to draw my characters!! I LOVE seeing them in other peoples styles, and would love to add your drawing to their gallery! 
    • Because I’m a minor, you can’t do anything to msfw, but I am fine with suggestive content as long as it’s nothing graphic. (I’m particularly looking for art of Aethelric and Dargoth together)
    • I also love talking about my characters, and hearing about other people’s! 
  • Pretty much everything on here is a wip! I don’t have content warnings up for most characters, although I am working on it, so be warned! I also am always on the lookout for codes for profiles/directories (I can’t use ko-fi or paste in so it’s hard T-T), so if you find a cool one feel free to send it to me!
(No exceptions) DNI If you(’re)
  • Homophobic (and believe lgbtq people shouldn’t have the same rights as heteros do), dislike neurodivergent people, racist, support known pedos, think women shouldn’t have the opportunity to get an abortion, (will add more later)

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