Crimson Shade/ Vinny Helsing



1 month, 27 days ago

Basic Info


Vincent Helsing

Ghost name:

Crimson Shade




20s (21-24)



Core type:



5'5 (165 cms)


[playlist (spotify)]

Vincent Helsing was a college graduate who moved to Amity Park from Cleveland, OH. After struggling with finding a job, he eventually landed a job as a Jr. Graphic Designer at Vladco- a ghost hunting and tech company owned by Vlad Masters (in this universe, Vladco plays a much larger role in the narrative than in the original canon, evil corporations in fiction beloved). Prior to this he didn't really believe in ghosts, but that hardly mattered much at the time.

For a few months, Vincent found himself quite enjoying the work environment- so much in fact that he ended up breezing through projects, which lead him to explore the other branches of the company and offer help (it was either that or sitting at your desk for the remaining work day). This mainly stuck to doing small errands, such as taking Y item to X location and other relatively simple tasks. However, this would eventually lead the young man to accept a favor to a coworker to move some mysterious green samples to one of the many labs in the building. It was past the time where most employees would have gone home by then, leaving only a handful of people still in the building. 

There were some strange activity regarding the energy of the building- with lights frequently going out and appliances turning themselves on/off- for about a week now, and the worst of it was about to come. Upon entering the lab, a generator keeping some necessary equipment running (including a strange circular frame Vincent hasn't seen before) overnight was making strange sounds and erratic movements. Vincent decided to step closer to examine what was wrong. Before Vincent could realize what was going on, the generator suddenly exploded in a mess of overcharged electricity- knocking Vincent back along with some utility shelves that weren't properly held down. Several things crashed onto him during the explosion, crushing the young man under heavy objects as his body was burning and paralyzed from the surge of electrical energy. The strange substance he was ordered to transport were now broken and seeping into the exposed cuts along his body.

He didn't recall much after that, only the blurry memory of somebody running over and dragging him out from the mess before everything faded to black.

He woke up in a hospital bed shortly after and would spend the next few weeks recovering. Everything appeared to be fine with him, in fact it was a miracle he turned out in nearly perfect physical condition- let alone the fact that he 'survived' at all. It wasn't until he returned to work that he started noticing strange symptoms- occasionally phasing through furniture and other objects, disappearing and then reappearing, a strange buzzing sound from nearly every electrical appliance he came close to- nothing he could really explain logically. He was convinced he was seeing things and avoided telling anybody about what was going on in fear of ridicule. Vincent wouldn't fully come to terms with his new half-ghost status until he started getting to closer contact with ghosts- most were hostile towards him at first, but he did find some comfort in the few friendly ghosts that would appear and would begin to make his transition into ghost society.

Even then, Vincent felt like an outcast towards his fellow humans. Even before becoming a halfa, Vincent always felt like a black sheep- whether that was due to him actually being strange, or his social anxiety convincing him of such- he wasn't entirely sure. Because of this, Vincent has gained the reputation of being a bit 'flighty' and secretive amongst his friends and loved ones, getting to the point where they begin to worry something was wrong and will constantly attempt to interviene in order to get to the bottom of it.

As a ghost, his chosen name becoming 'Crimson Shade' (after awkwardly cycling through several different 'cool' sounding names). Though he attempted to brand himself as an 'anti-hero', that didn't pan out as well for him. He prefered to pull pranks against the wealthy and politicians, as well as doing street art on places normally inaccessible to the average person- making an impact as a anonymous graffiti artist. Although he did help out with "super hero" things whenever he could, that wasn't his main drive- as he rather help in other ways, such as sneaking around for information and attempting to bargain with ghosts (which depending on who he was speaking to...worked out sometimes.)

He is mainly found goofing off with his ghost friends, either in the Ghost Zone, or back on Earth in late hours of the night.

If he was a canon character in the show, he'd honestly be a supporting character that would show up every now and then- maybe occasionally having an episode centered around him.

To make a really long bio short: 

Personality wise, Vincent is a nervous wreck who desperetly wants to feel 'useful', thus forcing himself to overwork in order to meet that impossible standard. He cares deeply about the opinions of everyone around him. He is also rather compassionate and believes in doing the right thing, even when nobody knows you're doing it. He isn't someone who enjoys being directly in the spotlight, so he tries his best to avoid drawing attention to himself- which also causes him to downplay the severity of his situation (such as injuries or other issues). Vincent tries to be friendly and hospitable, but will occasionally lose his temper.

As Crimson Shade, he likes to put on a "cool badass" facade that crumbles very easily once you get to know him.