Mia Cruiz



1 month, 18 days ago


General description

Name: Mia Cruiz

Age: 22

Hair: Short buzzed hair, has a pale brown color to it.

Height: 205 cm

Weight: 257 kg

Eyes: Bright blue

Skin tone: Olive

Body Build:

Mia has a towering, well built figure completed with broad shoulders and a thick back that lets her loom over others easily. Despite how heavy she is, her lean body build seems inconsistent and near impossible to weigh that much, as if her mass goes beyond the limits of her own body.


Mia dresses in a form fitting tank top that splits in black and white down the middle in order to highlight her muscular arms and tight upper body physique. Paired with it she rocks checker patterned harem pants with a thick black cloth tied around her waist that functions as a lifting belt. Lastly a pair of thick leather rock climbing boots with one being black and the other being white.

Facial features:

Mia has a well defined diamond facial structure, that is characterized by a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones as a result of her constant exercising. Her hooded almond shaped eyes slant slightly downwards, constantly showing a serious or stern expression together with her prominent brow and well defined eyebrows. A high nose ridge ends in a pointed tip, while her lips colored in a pale red, have a thinner outline.

Specific body marks:

Through several years of working with circus animals, Mia´s body is covered in small scratch marks and scars. Permanent marks around her wrists and ankles suggest her being tied down with restraints for prolonged periods of time. Most notable is the tattoo beneath her chin that represent the magical rune of strength in the witches language.


Mia radiates an outgoing energy, often mistaken for aggression, due to her hot tempered demeanor. Her straight forward nature occasionally leads to conflicts, particularly with her twin brother, Javio, as her strong-willed beliefs align closely with her desires. Despite her intimidating presence, she holds a quirky sense of humor and an endearing fascination with animals.


Mia was born and grew up beside her twin brother in a traveling circus.

Her job was to handle and take care of the animals prior to the incident 12 years ago.

After the incident the circus was bought up by a unknown organization, that eventually turned the circus into something completely different. She now works as both an animal tamer and a strongman.