Tbn ^_^'s Comments

Hey man I'm not sure how trades and stuff work on here but when I made this oc for my girlfriend it took a lot for me to give it to her because I got really attached to the design, but if you're going to redesign them anyway can I just have ownership back? I didn't intend on it being traded off or given away so it kinda hurts and I'd like the character back if that's possible. You can use the redesign as a different oc but it would mean a lot if I got the original design for the character back or something. Thanks.

Ohhh hey I’m really sorry about that lol… someone else gave these to me so I wasnt told about it. I was only gonna have small tweaks in the design but course you can have it back 

THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING IT MEANS A LOT TO ME😭 and honestly feel free to take inspo from the design if u want to I rlly don't mind! ^_^ 

No problem at all! :33 
