Helios Sunne



23 days, 12 hours ago


Pip! Pip, look who I met!



December 16th


He / Him




Married Life

Micheal Giacchino

Helios Sunne

The Baby Dragon



Childish / Clingy / Excited

Helios is a young child, which means he is easily excitable and happy. Helios tends to look on the optimistic side and approaches every situation with hopefulness. He hasn't grasped the difficulties of life yet, and therefore sees no serious negatives.

Though, he can also grow to be quite scared. He may not fully understand what is putting him in danger, but he does have a serious flight or fight response. He relies on those close to him to keep him safe.


  • Helios has an extremely cold body temperature, which he cannot control. It is a passive ability that he cannot activate.

  • Helios’ body temperature drops when he comes in contact with something or somebody, the longer he holds on the colder he gets. (EX. if he held onto somebody’s hand, they would notice him getting colder and colder.) But, he cannot freeze anything unless he’s properly in contact with it. (For example, he cannot freeze water unless he plunges his whole hand in. If he only touched the surface of the water, it would be very thin ice.)

  • Because of his low body temperature, his hair looks frozen and snow forms on different parts of his body.

  • Helios is able to get frostbite from his own ability, especially if he’s freezing something. Because his body is so cold, he doesn’t feel the frostbite and it has to be noticed by somebody else.

  • Helios needs very warm clothing because of his natural cold body temperature, if he has thin clothes he would most likely get sick.

  • Helios cannot make physical contact with many people, as they will grow uncomfortably cold. He’s disappointed by this.


Helios was born into quite a poor family in Sapien, his parents not expecting to have a child. Both of his parents were vendors, going to the market early in the morning and returning later in the day, they weren’t able to spend much time with Helios and were extremely emotionally distant from him as he grew. His parents, deeming themselves unfit to raise a child and unable to sell their products in Sapien, left their home and their child when Helios was only 4 years old. They had contacted a close friend of theirs to come by and properly take care of Helios, but the child was left alone for an extended period of time while their family friend was hoping to visit, as they lived farther away. Helios was under the assumption his parents were coming back, but when they didn’t he attempted to find them himself. He had gotten lost within Sapien, scared of the world around him that he wasn’t prepared for.

Eventually, he found a small market stall to stay in, hoping to find his way home or back to his parents within the market. The little boy didn’t completely understand the concept, worried something had happened to his mother and father at the market, but over the next few days he only began to grow more and more confused. Eventually, a woman approached him and gifted him food, which he happily accepted. When the mouse began to leave, he hurriedly followed to hopefully stay somewhere warmer and possibly get more food. While he noticed the woman was slightly annoyed at this, he still followed at a longer distance.


Throughout the months that followed, he grew closer and closer to the mouse. He learned her name, Pip, and she supported him as best she could. He was able to get a good amount of food and shelter to support himself. From there, they only grew closer.

Eventually, Helios was running at her side, excitedly following her wherever they travelled next. He was too young to properly remember his parents or his childhood, now calling Pip his family. While he was easily distracted, he always found his way back to her and clings to her.

Design Notes

  • Big scarf! He can hide his face in it
  • Oversized mittens
  • All of his clothes are Pip's old ones, so they are extremely oversized for him
  • Snow on his hair, ears, horns and scarf
  • 4 ft tall
  • No wings, but don't be fooled! He is a dragon!
  • His horns are similar to a goats, same with his ears and tail! His horns will grow to be more curved, similar to a goat's!

Pip! Wait, wait! I can catch up, just- stay there!

Adopted Parent (?)

Pip was the only person to approach Helios and support him when he was on his own. Because of this support, he began to follow her and grew extremely attached.

Helios considers Pip as his only family, though never calling her mother. Helios would never leave Pip, and trust the mouse's word.
