Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Howdy! 👋🏻 If you are a: racist, homophobe, zoophile, pedo, or anything of the sort,DO NOT INTERACT!

⭐️I am a minor and will not create NSFW art.

⭐️I will take any unwanted characters and keep or rehome them if you send them! (no need to ask)

⭐️My profile contains G0re, Injuries, partial nudity(usually male chests or bodies with the crotch hidden.), Violence, talk of violence or homophobia, Cursing, and bright images. 

⭐️I use He/Him but am tolerate of any androgynous pronouns or pronouns not referring to she/her or any sort of feminine pronouns. 

⭐️ Characters: Do I care if you miss gender my characters? No. If it is an accident than it is fine, although I prefer you use the designated ones I commonly use or set for them to not confuse anyone.

Can you draw my characters? Of course! draw whoever you’d like although please do not draw them with your characters or ship art of them with other characters, even I don’t really ship any of my characters..

Can you steal my characters? Heck no! 

can you take inspiration? yes of course, as long as they are not nearly the same exact characters and it is only small bits of inspiration then yes! Definitely tell me or show me oc’s you make that are inspired, you guys are amazing! 

⭐️Want to ask a question? DM me! I am always open to questions. (keep it appropriate.)

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No thanks!