


1 month, 5 days ago


lou's ref


he / him

mid 30s ???

fairly tall ???? a bit shorter than saltbaker

glass vile ( full of peppermint oil )

related characters
⩯ chef saltbaker ( cousin ) ⩯
⩯ i think most people on isle 4 are Aware of him and are generally nice to him but don't know him personally ⩯
⩯ cala maria Does Not Like Him ⩯

⩯ very very friendly ⩯
⩯ good at Fishing trademark ⩯
⩯ also a pretty experienced camper ⩯
⩯ whatever the opposite of annoying and obnoxious is ⩯
⩯ strong like ... physically ⩯
⩯ if he wouldn't gasp and go boowomp and beg you not to force him when prompted to he could probably beat someone up ⩯
⩯ he's a doormat though ⩯
⩯ that being said. he's secure and lerves himself 💚 ⩯
⩯ he's chilling not a care in the world ⩯

⩯ rarely stands up for himself ⩯
⩯ he could be punched in the gut by someone and as long as he likes them he'll be like haha good one ⩯
⩯ pulls up pants "listen here mister big shot. i ... erm ... you ... those aren't ... you can't say that" ⩯
⩯ easily distracted ⩯
⩯ fell asleep in the middle of the ocean lol lmao ⩯
⩯ clumsy and is known to have fallen overboard at least twice ⩯
⩯ cannot swim ... 😇⩯
⩯ doesn't know how to handle being in charge of things ( or helping people solve problems ) ⩯
⩯ kind of tone deaf and often gullible ⩯

other tidbits
⩯ often tugs at his clothing or takes off his hat when distressed ⩯
⩯ ( grey ? ) aroace ⩯
⩯ he adoressss saltbaker and thinks he's really cool ⩯
⩯ saltbaker does not. feel the same 💀 ⩯
⩯ he doesn't Dislike lou but historically he never asked what he's up to or like. acknowledged that they're cousins unless he's asking for a favor ⩯
⩯ ensue lou asking saltbaker if he wants to go camping with him and he's like 👨‍🍳🤨 i'm very busy 🥄🧂 ⩯
⩯ something something luca au i dont even know it's complicated ⩯
⩯ he has a tendency to pick up random stuff he finds on the ground and play with it ( eg. rocks, leaves ) ⩯
⩯ he also has a bad habit of picking up other people's stuff without permission to look at it -- which can make him a kind of annoying guest ⩯
⩯ the glass on his hands is pretty scraped up from the way he uses them ⩯
⩯ he smells very strongly of the peppermint oil in his head. this makes him a good scarecrow. that's usually his halloween costume ⩯
⩯ he snorts when he laughs ⩯
⩯ mess maker ⩯
⩯ he has a very matter-of-fact stream of conciousness speech pattern. he's so you're not wrong but why does your brain work that way ⩯
⩯ he also will pick a random person to Observe for a week and giggle to himself when he sees them and does not think this is abnormal behavior ⩯
⩯ [closes book, slowly removes glasses, and thoughtfully cleans them with a small cloth] I honestly don't think Waldo is in there ⩯


lou was born on inkwell isle 4 15-20 years after his cousin chef saltbaker 🤯🤯🤯 ! he, unlike saltbaker, grew up encouraged to explore and be humble and be a Friend to the World and whatnot. he went on hikes and camping trips often with his family. his relationship with saltbaker is pretty distant because saltbaker is almost always busy when asked to spend time with him. a little while before saltbaker attempted to make the wondertart lou fell asleep on his boat while out fishing. the boat sank, and lou washed up ashore on a small island in italy ( FOR REASONS 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 ) ... when lou returned to isle 4 a while later he was surprised to see saltbaker is a convicted criminallllll 😢😢😢 and he's doing community service because he's so helpful and kind all the time right lou. anyway

lou's return was also kind of a surprise for saltbaker because he had caught wind of him being nowhere to be found but didn't think he was actually gone. lou was noticeably more skittish and quiet afterward which saltbaker would NOT have picked up on prior to the wondertart incident but his new friends help him realize he should be nice to his cousin yayyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!! the end. jk