Casia's Comments

She hates having her clothing print confused with actual animal pelts. She’ll literally slap you and go “I would never, stupid!” I have a feeling she’s really into cheetah prints but like… hates trophy hunting big time and hates being associated with real fur wearers. She once wore a Canadian Goose jacket and cried.

Other than that though, she doesn’t give me real sensitive sobby vibes? If anything she’s the one making passive aggressive remarks and causing people to cry. It’s real bad and being a demon she’s extra good at pointing out someone’s flaws. She has pretty low empathy and just cannot relate well to people.

Her relationships strive on power and power only. It’s hard for her to genuinely get connected to people. Considering she can make her wings hide, she’s good at convincing people she’s a good person and then boom the truth gets revealed.

Despite this a LOT of people run to her since she’s fairly attractive and she uses this to her advantage. Big man eater, probably pan but doesn’t care to label herself as such. Just a girlboss in general tbh, like slayyyy.

Despite being a demon she cannot even get along with demons due to her… high horse persona she LOVES to pull. She’s nowhere near being the most powerful but watch her try and pull a “I know better” and win it. She’s great at winning arguments.