


8 years, 4 months ago

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Date created:

November 13, 2013


I wasn't supposed to happen like this. Where did we go wrong? Who could have predicted S0-N3 would break free of its confinements and be capable of such mass destruction.

The prototype that was created to serve us and assist man kind, ended up being our worst nightmare. Somehow it was able to bypass and remove its safety restrictions that were installed. Now we have a vicious unshackled AI that has broken free of all its restraints and running rampant. What have we done?

Corporal Strada

November 15, 2013 

We need to get our forces in to destroy S0-N3 before it consumes the last of Tokyo's power reserves. Whatever that damn machine is planning, it can't be good and it has to be stopped before more civilian lives are lost.

We've set out an alert to have Tokyo evacuated, there's just an immense population density there. I hope we're not too late.

Corporal Strada

November 17, 2013 


We failed. S0-N3 emitted a massive EMP followed up by an electrostatic discharge in the heart of Tokyo. Millions are dead, buildings are crumbling and S0-N3 was seen leaving the viscinity. Our radars and scouts lost tracking on the damn machine, we have no idea where it dissappeared to. It needs to be found and destroyed before it can strike again.

Reports tell me there's a new machine being built somewhere in North America. Those idiots think they can fight fire with fire. We're already over our head. 

Corporal Strada

November 18, 2013 


I need to go into hiding, somewhere that thing can't find me. It's been hunting down those who created it. It already killed //!#... C//tai.. X%%anaka. *!!?||\\.. *&!!%//
