Rhylaun Lulatar



2 months, 10 hours ago


House Lulatar has had an interesting history. After a dramatic schism,  one half of the family packed up their things and joined the surface  world as Seldarine drow. Those who remained owned a significant amount  of land. The Seldarine side of the family has done rather well for  themselves on the surface and enmeshed themselves in high elf nobility  for a time. But the underground side of the family hasn't flourished.  Paranoid and selfish, the matron mother drove off or disowned all those  who remained. Upon her death, the next in line was her Seldarine niece,  all too happy to take her place.

Rhylaun is Stelmaria and Garyn's son, and already at age 14 he's the spitting image of both. Though clearer in the head than his father, he wants eagerly to follow in his footsteps, and Stelmaria is keen to give him exactly what he wants. He is an enthusiastic and prodigious student with a pretty right future ahead of him, but he's naive to his circumstances as a newcomer to the Underdark.