If they haven't been claimed already could I snag 89 and 98 for USD? Through CashApp preferably :3 🫶

Absolutely! My cashapp is $radi0rabbit

Awesome!!! Sent over :D

hello i am back lol may i also get 93 (gonna be a gift for a friend)

Yay Tysm!! Lmk when paid 

should be sent!

may i claim 95 and 106 via paypal please :eyes:

Absolutely! My PayPal is [email protected] 

should be sent!

I’d like to buy 125 with cashapp

Yay Tysm! My cashapp is $radi0rabbit

Sent, thanks!

CAN I PLEAAAAE HAVE 52 AND 105!? (Paypal)!

I’d love that! My PayPal is [email protected] and my cashapp is $radi0rabbit (either one)


if I were to make one of them a closed species design do you mind? (I have to ask per server rules :3)

As long as the patterns stay the same I’m fine with species changes

yeah of course :3 tysm

im interested in 39 i do PayPal can you also hold him for a day or two :] 

Yep! Tysm!

Im able to pay now :]

Awesome!! My PayPal is [email protected] and my cashapp is $radi0rabbit (either one is fine!)


Yay Tysm! Lemme upload the character one sec

Would you be willing to do a week hold on 19 if it’s still available? 

It is! I can hold it just let me know when you can pay!

Tysm, I’ll keep you updated! 

Hi I still fully plan to get 19 but I’m going to need a little bit longer before I can pay if that’s alright, but I’ll let you know if anything changes! 

No worries! Just lmk whenever!

Hi! I’m able to get the adopt now if it’s still available! tysm for your patience 

I would also be interested in 14 and 40 if no one else has claimed those ^^

4 Replies

I'd love to snag 92 with a week hold if possible!

Sure! Just lmk when you can pay 

I'm able to pay now!

Yay Tysm! My PayPal is [email protected] and my cashapp is $radi0rabbit


Someone else was very interested and can pay immediately, id really like to sell it to them but for the sake of fairness obviously I don’t want to tell you sorry your hold is invalid.
are you 100% sure you’re getting it? Or would you be alright with me selling it to someone else since they can pay sooner 

I am sure that I am getting them, if need be though I can pay upfront!

God it took me so long to figure out which ones i wanted they are so pretty 🥲 Please could i claim 65 and 85 through PayPal?

my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3 Let me know once paid so I know when to transfer them!

Sent!! <3

Can I have 64 and 22 please! Can I pay through PayPal 

my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3 Let me know once paid so I know when to transfer them!


Hii! Can I get 32 with PayPal pls? :3

 my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3 Let me know once paid so I know when to transfer them!

Sent ty!

goth monkey supremacy 🫡

is 34 open still augh


fine I’ll take that one but I need to stop buying OCs lol stop making them so cute

my cashapp is $radi0rabbit and my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3 Let me know once paid so I know when to transfer them!

sent via cashapp!

can i get 24 and 38

my cashapp is $radi0rabbit and my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3 I’m about to sleep so I’ll transfer them when I wake up 

Let me know when paid and I’ll send them over!


hello! i wanted to ask if you do holds and if so for how long? i love 31 but dont have the money currently! if you dont do holds thats cool, i just wanted to ask!

Sure! How long do you think?

maybe a week or so? ill let you know before then if i cannot make it! but again if you arent okay doing that i understand!

that’s fine!

Heya! I don't think I'll be able to make the payment in time, im really sorry! You can put the character back up for offers, I apologize for this!!

No worries. I really don’t think anyone will be buying that one so I’m sure it’ll be here if you ever change your mind. I’m also willing to give it to you for half off $5 :>

Could I get 70 and 8 ^^?

With cashapp (forgot to say that sorry ^^’)

My cashapp is $radi0rabbit ! Lmk when paid so I can transfer them!

Sent! ^^

I’d like 116

my cashapp is $radi0rabbit and my PayPal is [email protected] ! :3

Sent via Cashapp 

(can I have base btw)

gimme 17 (cashapp)

and 121

Can I please claim 47 and 66 :EYES:

Forgot to say could I use cashapp

my cashapp is $radi0rabbit and my PayPal is [email protected] !


I was going to let you know I didnt get a transparent picture of just the character for 66 :,D. Sorry to bother just wanted to let you know!

Oh shoot I was going so fast I must have forgot. I’m at work rn so I’ll add it to your gallery when I get home 

Could I get 13 & 33? :D

my cashapp is $radi0rabbit and my PayPal is [email protected] !

Sorry for the delay! Sent!

Id love to snag number 76!