


5 years, 9 months ago


Full Name: Nicole Lanh Plisetsky (Николь Лан Плисецкий)

Birth date and Birth Place: October 15th, 1913 in Saint Petersburg, Russia 

Eye color: chestnut brown

Hair color: chestnut brown

Intermediate family: parents, grandparents

Nationality or ethnicity: Pureblooded Russian.

Sexuality: Straight. 

Random Facts

-As a little kid, Nicole's father, Sasha Plisetsky, took out his drunken anger on his unwanted and ill-conceived daughter, this sparked a ton of fights between Sasha and his wife, Jamie Plisetsky.

-She hates being reminded that she's a girl, she sometimes doesn't feel like it. 

-Nicole plays chatroom games in her spare time and makes a bunch of Russian friends. 

-Gold accessories make her feel better as a woman, she hates being reminded that she's a girl.

-Believes that tattoos on seen places on her arms and legs would be considered ruining the sexiness of her body, but she has one on her left shoulder of the cliche mom arrow, heart and flag sign and another on the edge of her right hand that says, 'eat fries or die'. She got the first one after her father was arrested and got the other one in her first year of college.


Nicole's extensive family had been bugging Jamie and Sasha to have a child for a long time before they even actually had her. They finally ended up having a child in Saint Petersburg even though they really weren't looking forward to conceiving one. As a child, Nicole was often isolated from her family and peers. Her life was pretty dark and only got darker after 3 of her grandparents were murdered in cold blood while out on the town. Sasha whisked his family away to Amiens, France, where she grew up, being raised primarily by a Parisian boarding school. 

In the last year, her father was found out to have been responsible for the murder, and was taken back to Russia to serve out a life sentence. Her mother and her moved back to Paris and she was hired as a cashier in a fashion designer's store owned by Croix Bennet. She currently works for him still, slowly getting through college and she has no plans for after.