Ritsu / WASTE



1 month, 20 days ago


GELL HEROES belongs to Moniimous

General Information:


Real name: Ritsu (TBC)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Append: Bell

Unit: TBN

Ritsu is a young girl just entering adulthood. She's fairly immature and is almost always complaining about how messed up life is. With no proper qualifications beyond her school degree, she lives a mundane life of working as a part timer at WcMonalds, along with other odd jobs to keep herself afloat. She loves fashion and any typical thing girls are into, and always attempts to present herself the best she can, despite this leaving a dent in her wallet every month with how much money is wasted on non-essentials.


The very moment she graduated, Ritsu was kicked out of her house due to the constant quarreling with her parents, and as a punishment for her ungrateful behaviour. With the little money she was given, she rented a small place and went on a quest for job hunting. Most jobs however rejected her due to lack of qualifications, making her end up in the lowest qualification job; working as a fast food store part-timer. She absolutely hates this job, but has to continue since it's her only source of income.

The details on how she met HASTE, a Neevling, is not clear. But she eventually found she could relate to him and considered him her brother in arms. Together, they roll out every night for a crime-filled adventure as a way of stress relief- oh, and easy money.


As WASTE, she wields a pyramid Nucleokinesis (TBN) Gell. Given that it's a pyramid, she is limited to what she can do. Her simple attacks are blowing bubbles that can cause small explosions. She is also capable of giving small power boosts to HASTE. The true extents to her power so far is unknown, as she hasn't used it for proper combat.

Random Facts:

• Based on Raccoon motifs; Raccoons like trash, right...?

• She is 5'9" (180cm) tall

• Usually, gell outfits depend on what you're wearing. In WASTE's case, it's a cosplay she puts up every night before she goes out to de-stress. She never carries her gell with her during the day.

• Has a small appetite. She wants to have "the perfect figure", and is constantly dieting. This is why she appears slimmer than average weight.