


1 month, 10 days ago


Created 8th April 2024 08/04/24
Mx. Presley
aliases: a.k.a. The Insider
gender: M | F | X | — any pronouns
orientation: gay
born: 15/08/XXXX
cog type: Insider
occupation: executive boardbot employee
residence: mezzo melodyland
height: X'XX"
employee id: ██████
etc: song | playlist

Presley is a new hire within the Boardbot Department who has rightfully earned their place with a knack for gathering intel. Though he isn't as high up the ranks, Presley can worm themselves in and out of any situation which means most of her co-workers are wrapped around their finger. This doesn't deter me, unlike our other co-workers.

She also doesn't seem to think any information is too low of a blow if it'll benefit him. I've been on the receiving end of this with secrets that Presley should not know. Such as the wall in your office dedicated to ██████████████████. This isn't true.

  • It seems Presley keeps finding this file and is actively adding red herrings to it. Please disregard any additions in red until I can approve them.
  • Dresses for the occasion effectively, assuming a new identity depending on the case. Rather stylish at times too. Why, thank you.
  • Not a fan of cigars, but still likes to smoke.
  • Resides in Mezzo as it seems to be a hotspot for passing rumours.
  • I like my eggs sunny side up, and Franklin prefers them poached.
  • Holding a secret or intel above them is an effective way to get their help.

MR. Franklin coworkers
I've made it my goal to prove to the Chairman that Presley is a threat to our department. Nothing more. If you say so, Franklin.
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