Can I please be pinged when these open? :0

Can I be pinged when you're open? <333

Of course! ^^

if you ever open these back up could I be pinged? <3

Of course! c:

Now closed!

1 more slot left!

Heya, may I claim a spot please if there’s still one available?

Of course! Tysm! Would you be able to fill this form? you can send me the form via messages! c: 








Clothing you would like for the chibis:  

Anything else i should know?:   

My paypal for payment is: [email protected]

Make sure to send as usd please!

would u be open to do a referance sheet trade? ;0

Sadly i can't as of right now! But, i might in the future!

oof alright, oo okie! well lmk when if u can :3

Hi! You wouldn’t happen to take art/characters for slots, would you?

I sadly can't right now due to needing funds ;; I'm sorry!

No problem!

hey! I'd like to claim a spot ^^

Heya! Thank you so much, would you be able to fill this form? i'll also link my paypal ^^ you can message me the form!








Clothing you would like for the chibis:  

Anything else i should know?:   

My paypal for payment is: [email protected]

Make sure to send as usd please!

Just before I do, I forgot to ask but are you okay changing a feral to an anthro? If not I have another anthro character but I thought I'd ask ^^

That would be completely okay ^^ i can for sure!

awesome! Here's the form ,when you approve it I'll send the payment c:


Name:  Seraphine

Gender:  Female


Personality: Playful, clumsy and kind of an airhead. Often falls over and trips into all kind of holes. She also loves to run in flowers and fly at night. She's also a vegetarian!

Likes:  Stars, rock candy, collecting gems.

Dislikes:  Spicy food, tall grass, spiders.

Clothing you would like for the chibis:

Anything else i should know?:  Feel free to take some liberty with converting it to anthro ^^

Info I'd like on the sheet: The info that's already on her ref and that her ear piercing is optional. 

Omg i adore that oc so much, i love working with pastel colors, and i've always wanted to draw horses more, everything looks great ^^ 

Just let me know once payment's been sent and i'll get to sketching right away, i should have a wip for you in about a week, where you can ask for any edits before i finish the piece! Tysm again!

1 Replies

ID LOVE TO GET A SHEET DONE!!! :0! can i claim a spot pls?

Ofc!! thank you so much! would you be able to fill this form? you can send me a message! c:








Clothing you would like for the chibis: 

Anything else i should know?: 

My paypal for payment is: [email protected]

Make sure to send as usd please!