Anatole Amber



1 month, 21 days ago


House: Fire

Kingdom/location/origin: (In Geswil's kingdom in an forest)

Pokemon: Ampharos (leucistic)

DND kind: Anthro(Human)

Birthday: 18 November ****

Height: 4'5

Body type: Balanced, average.

Gender: Anvisgender (born intersex)

Pronoun: Any



Serious - Polite - Patient - Rational - Analytical - Doubt others a lot(anxious) - Cold - Picky - Judgemental

Anatole despise decadence and indecency. Holding dear to the path of what's wiser and most rational to live off. Living simply and in moderation. Anatole's behavior would make think of a proper knight even if he does not weild any sword or knight armor. He grew irritated of being patient when people harass him to do something that does not please him making him behave in a cold manner when he is on defense. For flirt for exemple his mind will interpret it has mockery and or an attempt to decieve him. He will so show an uninterested respond to it. You'ill need  something that will stung his person perfectly to make him blush even slightly. Anatole isn't used to building new relationship with people which make him very hard to trust someone's words sometime and so his person importance to their eyes. Thought it doesn't mean he wouldn't care. He will give help even if he were unsure that you even percieve him has a friend.

  • Like: Thunderstorm, Sea, Calm, Sound of nature, reading(even if he need glasses yes), thinking, mediating.
  • Dislike: yelling, voluntary self-poisoning(alchool & alike), big ego people, being forced into things, lies, superficial people.
  • Orientation: Asexual panromantic



  • Anatole's dad used to be a knigth that ditched his duty to live with the huntress he fell in love with. Anatole is the eldest her siblings are twins brother and sister.
  • They grew a pretty calm life within the woods with their family that live from hunting. The family got an hunting code to make sure they do not disrupt in a negative manner the forest's ecosystem.
  • The ampharos was born with special eyes that make her able to notice things most eyes wouldn't from a far distance, but a lack of sigth to see things from close making reading books difficult for her without glasses made for long sigthed people.
  • Anatole once had a traumatic experience of getting lost in the woods for two whole weeks after have recklessly wandered away from his family even if he been warned how dangerous getting lost would be. He was only 10 years old.
  • Back then they had been hunted down a few times by wolves, but each times they managed to climb a tree high up. It was during fall/autumn so it was also cold and edible food was rarer. Anatole had survived solely by scrap of knowledge they had about which mushrooms were safe and a few other things.
  • After have been rescued by his dad that had been searching the whole time for him he changed drastically of attitude. Sticking to the rules and taking the most rational or moderate sounding decision.
  • Anatole dad's obtained them glasses to read and taught them about reading and writting has soon they were old enough to travel with him.
  • Anatole then kept showing an amazing talent at using a crossbow or any shooting weapon he was let by his his parents to use while hunting.
  • The ampharos came to the academy to gain further knowledge in weapon usage and in hope to save enough money to buy the forest his family live in secret to avoid any gullible nobles to come reach it after have heard of one growing interest toward it.


Basic abilities: Special eyes, talented at using long range weapon

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