Aurora Glow



1 month, 26 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


Status: Open!

Ship/Fusion: Rainbow Dash X Starlight Glimmer

Price: $10 (PayPal only)! Also accepting art/trades depending on the offer, but money is preferred!

Description: Aurora Glow can be a very arrogant and egotistical pony, who’s very proud of her flying abilities. She earned her cutie mark one night after performing a Sonic Rainboom, spreading a colorful aurora all across the night sky. She has a habit of bringing this up to anyone who might happen to even glance at her cutie mark, but secretly wishes that she could just make another friend and talk to anyone who loves flying as much as she does.

The new owner is more than welcome to edit the pairing/fusion, design, name, etc., once purchased and transferred! Please comment if interested and we’ll respond as soon as we can :) 

This design/artwork has also been cross-posted onto the Instagram account plaguedays_64