


1 month, 26 days ago



  •  Name  Yasmin 
  •  Age  410 
  •  Gender  Female 
  •  Birthday  February 17 
  •  Height  5'6" 
  •  Home Planet  Silphora 
  •  Home Region  The Frigid Oceans 
  •  Species  Vesnian 
  •  Element Affinity  The Cold 
  •  Familar  Willow 
  •  Relationship Status  Single 

Clever - Practical - Responsible

Yasmin grew up and lived on planet Silphora with all the other fairies of her kind. She was born on Wellspring Island like other Vesnians and when she made the change, her crystal was an almost clear light blue color. This meant that Dawn had been gifted with control over all that is cold and would go to live in the Northern Waters with the other Ice Vesnian. Sad to leave her friends behind but her love for learning grew her intrigue. Yasmin fell in love with her new home and fit in well with the other ice Vesnian.

Every year she would join Vesnians from all over Silphora for the grand festivals. It was not her favorite as she would rather be studying but she did enjoy seeing her old friends. The festival took place on Wellspring island to celebrate their great Goddess. There was a ton of delicious food and fun festivities that even Yasmin had to admit she looked forward to

They all met up in the usual spot and Yasmin was so excited to see them. As the day went on, Oriana mentioned something about a strange book she found in the restriction part of the library. Yasmin became worried hearing that Oriana was sneaking around a place she shouldn’t be and even more worried about reading through this mysterious book. As most of the group decided to go ahead with reading, Yasmin tagged along to try to keep them all out of trouble.

TThey all made their way to the restriction section as quietly as they could. Fortunately they made it in without a sound. Oriana led them all to a large old book that did not look all that exciting. Yasmin could read that the title read “Earth.” As Oriana flipped through the book, Yasmin was curious about humans and how they lived day to day, they seemed like strange creatures.

As Indigo flipped a page, Adrian snapped the page back saying that she wasn't done reading. They started fighting and everyone else tried to calm them down. What the girls had not noticed was that the book started to glow and before they knew it, they were being sucked into the book.

Earth was quite exciting for Yasmin. There was so much to learn and experiment on Earth that Yasmin became very busy. She could be found most days at the library or during the winter, at a skating rink. Yasmin did miss her cold climate and unfortunately was nowhere near the cold north of Earth. The local skating rink was her favorite place to unwind and relax.

Mood Board ArtFight


  • Books
  • Science Topics
  • Winter Season
  • Smoothies


  • Noisy Areas
  • Summer Season
  • Adrian
  • Bubblegum


  • Studying
  • Swimming
  • Ice skating
  • Writing Poetry