Popped Kernels



1 month, 17 days ago


This little spam is always bouncing and bounding all over the place. Never staying still, and very very hard to catch and hold. They just never stay still. This spammling is in constant movement, no one sure why they have to constantly move around. Some just say that this little baby just has endless energy to spend off.

They might just go into a exercise direction when they get older. A good way to spend off all that boundless energy.

And when they are an adult, they do get into the exercise business! Offering fun and peppy ways to burn off that extra energy! They however also serve snacks to those who want them! Those Snacks usually not being very healthy, but they're tasty and filling, so who's to argue?

It's unknown what brings on their virus form, but their shift is quite popping when it happens. Usually appearing in a loud sound and bright light. They're bouncing all over the place when like this, making ambient popping sounds. They're also especially harder to grab when like this, but they never target anything or anyone. The main part of this form making them just want to flee.