Yako Akumu



5 years, 9 months ago


Yako Akumu
600 years old, but appears to be 18.
July 30th


Manipulative • Meticulous • Vicious • Pernicious

He is meticulous in everything that he does; there is an order and purpose for all his actions. On the outside he appears as in his position should, aloof and having a slight distaste for those he deems as his lesser. Inside he is full of hatred and the intense craving to spill the blood of his brother and those who dare to get in his way.

Yako bides his time well, for he is patient and willing to wait for the most opportune moment to implement his insidious plots. He would become the Master of the Akumu Estate and take over the family business. He is superior to his brother and thus it was his right, for he was the eldest son after all.

Manipulating people is a game to him; he thoroughly enjoys using his words to spin fantastic lies that make people assist him in some form or fashion. Yako knows that there are those who would not fall for his trickery with words and he sees them as potential allies to help him achieve his goal, but even then he would be wary toward them. Trust is a dangerous thing and can lead to death and/or destruction.

There are a few subjects that absolutely fascinate the young kitsune, when he feels the effects of boredom, his mind wanders to contemplate the allure of death, blood, destruction, and torture. He often thinks of these things when he is in the presence of his brother Zenko, for Yako can only take so much kindness and sympathy before he wants to vomit.


  • Blood
  • Hurting People
  • His Toy Hinata
  • To Win


  • Zenko
  • His Father
  • Dirt
  • Kindess/Sympathy
“Do not touch what is mine.”


  • Yako is able to shift from fox form into humaniod form and back again. As per Akumu family tradition, Yako spent 100 years in his humanoid form to learn the skills necessary to be a successful Kitsune of his Clan and to become proficient in this ability.
  • Fox Fire – a ball of fire that is summoned when willed
  • Nightmare Weaving – a special art of weaving nightmares that has been passed down the Akumu line for generations.


Removed from his home with his good for nothing brother until one of them learned how to harvest a phenomenal Fear (to help expand the family business in the formation and instillation of Nightmares).Attends DA to learn all he can so he can take the family fortune from his sniveling brother.

When not attending school, Yako is working on other pursuits to raise his standing and influence. He will not allow himself to lose out to his brother; so the meticulous kitsune has his fingers in many financial pursuit “pies” so to speak.


Yako is obsessed with cleanliness and needs to finish things that are only half done.

The sight of blood fascinates the Kitsune and makes him go into a calm, meditative like state. Although it irks him to have blood on his pristine white suit, he cannot help but enjoy the pattern the blood splatter makes as if it was art.

He seems to have two personalities, the Inside Yako which is his true self and how he reacts to each encounter and conversation, and then there is Outside Yako, or also Fake or False Yako. It is the perceived persona of the Kitsune: the one that is amiable to his brother and others. This persona is more prevalent than Yako's true self, for it is a way to manipulate people (He is a pretty good actor). The mask of False Yako only falls when he is incredibly angry or stressed.


Hobbies: When he has free time, he thoroughly enjoys reading books about torture. He likes to watch blood flow, he can spend countless hours staring at the red substance. When ever possible he likes to inflict harm onto animals. He tries to keep this action a secret as much as possible, he would not want others to spoil his fun. Yako also likes to plot the death of his brother, this has kept him entertained for hours on previous occasions. Cleaning: he will clean a room until there is not a single speck of dust left over.

Positive Trait List: Clean, Studious, Patient, Meticulous

Negative Trait List:Evil, Likes to hurt people, False, Manipulative

Has had many “Toys”, his most recent toy that he is thoroughly enjoying is Hinata

Yako has Yandere like tendencies, he is possessive of what is his and does not take well to others getting too close to his “things”

FEAR Ability: Tainted Fang Ability -- Sleep Magic -- Through the use of his voice, with a certain chant, Zenko is capable of causing his opponent to drift off into sleep. It is a delicate process that takes a lot of concentration that can be broken easily.



Hinata Ryuu

The Pet/Toy/Lover/Servant/etcetera to Yako. A dragonkin that Yako is extremely possessive of and does not take kindly to anyone going near him.


Zenko Akumu

Yako sees Zenko as a pest, an insect who deserves to be squashed. However, Zenko still has his uses so has not been disposed of yet by his brother. Yako looks forward to the day Zenko is no longer useful with every fiber of his being.



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