Dr. Chakriya's Comments

Chakriya sat silently at his desk- his head-cybernetic currently plugged into one of his many computers as he ran though simulations, a pensive frown on his face.

.:.So, let's start this- Frank was extremely mad, right from the start of this day. First, he burned his omlette. Then he realised he forgot something important and had to return home for it. Then his stupid keycard wouldn't work, and he had to spend 40 minutes pursuading the guard to let him in to his work, the place he comes to everyday! Oh, and it was not even the end of the day. No, far from it; It was still what was considered morning. And, while the cyborg's usual sassy grin stayed on his face, his eye was twitching. And, today it seemed the fate aligned in the most unfortunate way- He was going to meet with his least favourite colleague ever. Not that he liked any of his other colleagues any better, of course, but he was definitely the worst one by far! Frank tied his long messy hair - sometimes people compared him to an echidna because of it - up into a bun, walking up to Chakriya and carefully tapping on his shoulder a few times.:.

//Sorry for late reply, fell asleep with my phone in my hands sob- Also, gonna be using my usual rp-ing style for this heheh

((No worries! Also do be warned, by responses may be a bit… mediocre for a bit, I’m sick :’) I usually write anywhere between a sentence to two paragraphs depending on my brainpower at the time tho- ALSO NOOOO NOT THE OMELET))

    The wire connected to Chakriya’s headpiece detached from his computer, and he slowly turned around on his swivel chair, glancing up at his colleague with an utmost passive expression “Yes? Do you need something? And if this is about that missing brownie, I can confirm that it was Aurel, and can supply security footage if you so desire.”

    He didn’t exactly seem… unfriendly, just tired, and rather bored. He’d been waiting for supplies to come in for months- apparently one of the many enemies of the Grox empire had decided to use a planet buster conveniently on the very colony where it was being prepared…

    How unbelievably rude…

//Oh, dw about that! I don't usually write that much- just gotta start strong with a bit paragraph- and as I get progressively burnt out my responses get smaller xD Burnt omlette sucks--

`/`No-`\` .:.Frank was about to reply with what he wanted, but he quickly stopped in his tracks.:. `/`WHAT?! It was that asshole all along?! I knew from the start. . .`\` .:.The grox mumbled, his ears folding angrily.:. `/`NOT THE POINT!! First off all. Hi. Second of all. Someone said i'm supposed to be helping you or something--`\`

    “Well, you were… But unfortunately the supplies have yet to arrive, so in all technicalities, we have the day off…” His shoulders slouched as he spoke- and he genuinely seemed saddened by this, letting out a soft electrical hum.


`/`Great. . .`\` .:.He replied sarcastically, his voice glitching through badly. Finally getting a "day off" was nice. . . But to be stuck with this guy? Not as nice.:. `/`I'd kill for a coffee right now.`\`

6 Replies