Guinevere de Morte



5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Guinevere de Morte

Nickname: Eve

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Whatever she needs to be to get what she wants

Race: Evil Queen



Personality: accomplished

Eve is very manipulative, usually she pretends to be weaker than she is and slowly manipulates her mark by making them do what she wishes usually at the cost of something dear to them. She was crafty enough to trick her own twin sister’s husband that she was the real Gwenevere and he ended up giving her an heir which she twisted and made demented.

Ever since birth she has been like this, no good has ever shown through her beautiful exterior, her mother was the mistress of a King and was to wed him, but when the king discovered his own royal wife was pregnant he cast his common mistress to the side. Pregnant and alone, Eve’s mother plotted her revenge and passed that revenge down to her daughter. As she grew up her heart turned black and all she wished was to destroy her sister and take back what she believed to be rightfully hers. She had almost accomplished this mission, but was discovered by one of her sister’s loyal knights. Although she did not leave without causing some damage and bore a large belly containing Arthur’s first born son.

Life after her failed attempt to destroy her sister consisted of her raising Vortigern and turning him against the world and giving him a thirst to kill those who are weaker than him. Now that her son is grown, and off spreading mayhem, Eve feels that she needs something or someone new to take her mind off her past failures and perhaps revive the spark of revenge.

Positive Trait List: Dedicated
Negative Trait List: Prideful, Wicked, Manipulative
