Royal Armand



5 years, 9 months ago


Surprisingly tall, Roy towers above his friends with his faded pink-brown hair and somewhat questionable choice of wardrobe. Keeping the pale coloured mess atop his head in a ponytail, the man wears a small rounded crown and all manner of different embroidered shirts with intricate designs. His high-class heritage and upbringing aside, he tries to make an effort of appearing more ‘chill’ through donning plain sweaters over his shirts to simplify his look somewhat. Though you wouldn’t think it, Royal is self-conscious and a little awkward around people. He was raised in Albion, in an upper class district where he had only met other children of status. His move to Ori however led him to discover that status wasn’t everything. Most people write him off as arrogant and self concerned, but Hinata chose to befriend the man after seeing his loneliness. Since then, the two have been exceptionally close and Hina tries her best to help Roy fit in better with ‘normal’ life. Marceline took a much different stance towards the man, immediately sensing his true nature as a Youkai. After some digging, Marceline managed to discover that Royal was actually a Marble Youkai who had revolted against his family to move to Ori. The woman takes caution around Roy, watching his interactions with Hina, but mostly allows the two to be friends.