Archy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

koiz Global Rules

.: TOS :.

- don't resell for more than their worth!

- if received as a freebie, don't retrade unless art is added.

- if received in a trade, don't resell unless bought art is added. 

- you may change the gender/species/accessory/design.

- DO NOT claim my design/art as yours.

 - any design I traded to you DOES NOT HAVE A WORTH. do not give them a worth YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR unless it's the worth of the character you traded to ME and ME ONLY.

all designs made before March 2021 MUST BE CREDITED TO sushistoragez .


any design of mine that has been given/traded to you has a 2-week cooldown. trading characters during the cooldown will have you blacklisted. however, if you received one of my designs by BUYING them, there's no cooldown. there's no cooldown for regifting.