hi! im interested in this adopt and the ghostly indeedee, i was wondering if anyone here interested you? https://toyhou.se/denparin/characters/folder:332942

hmm... none of those really appeal to me, but you can just have them, if you want

oh are you sure?? id be happy to do some pokemon art for you in return :0

that's totally up to you
i love the sheep pokemon :3c
tho i don't actually have any characters of them, hahah

i'll just go ahead and send these along~

id be happy to make u some sheep pokemon ocs in return! i love making them so its no worries! lemme know what kinda mons youd like if u can think of any~

my faves are mareep, whimsicott, and wooloo, so whichever of those you feel like playing around with
if you could change the type or fuse it with another cute pokemon, that would be cool :3c