Would be awesome for doing an icon trade w you! Examples

sure ! which oc do you want me to draw ?


sweet! Imma done my side after I done with my previous art trade if u dont mind (人´∀`*)

srry took a while,, i finished my part ! https://toyhou.se/~images/82993032

dunno if youve finish ur part yet or not, if you havent, can you draw https://toyhou.se/23100995.astral-starlis instead?:0 

Cute! I'm willing to possibly do a coloured full sketch for one? Happy to negotiate!

i can accept that:0 feel free to sent with oc u want art of ! ((& lmk if u want bg or not:p

BG or not is up to you, I don't mind! In the case you do I wouldn't mind a simple gradient like his tail with stars.

If it helps in advance, he has no facial features and just has facial patterns. :')
I'm happy to try and find someone else in the folders if not.

i can draw em! tho u can sent more choices if u want:p

I've finished my part! Let me know once yours is done and I'll send the art to their folder.

ahh ofc ! ill get to this trade soon:0

finished & transfered ! srry took me a while, hope he looks alright<:]

feel free to transfer ur image straight to their gallery !

1 Replies

Still open? I can do any size art ^_^ 

ye still open ! tho art will started after next week is finish,,, if thats alr with u ?:0

Yup that’s fine! 

neat! can u draw a flat colored full ((similar to this piece https://toyhou.se/hangingferns/art#77507341 ) for em ?

& sent me which oc u want pixel art of! ((im best with vibrant colors:p

Sure thing! Would drawing them be ok? https://toyhou.se/21360386.avacado-beetle If not lmk, I know theyre a unique species lol

sure! i can draw em:] ill add u on my do-to list

3 Replies