Toffee (ufo)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

beidou Global Rules

  • do not sell it for more than you originally got it for without added art (extra art can increase the value)
  • however, if you have an emergency such as in need of food, money for bills, etc etc i will allow you to sell it for more (even if it has no value) as long as you inform me first by dming me! 
  • redesign however you want. editing my art for design changes is fine as well, just credit my alt dehya
  • i will never revoke a design unless a chargeback happens. once it is rightfully in your hands it is yours!
  • co-owning is fine, just be responsible with it. id prefer to not be involved in co-owning disputes unless necessary
  • i personally do not like having a ”public blacklist“ so i do not blacklist people and it will stay that way. you can trade the designs to anybody