
5 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer


Name: Harper Arya McLoughin 

Age: 23


Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Speices: Kitsune

Nationality: Irish

Occupation: journalist/ Novelist

Talents/skill: She has Magic in her blood. She can do small Magic tricks with it.

Theme song:

Height: 5ft 4inches

Weight: 145lbs

Eye Colour: Pink fading to purple

Hair Colour:  Naturally Blonde, Dies tips blue

Physical Appearance: Slim Hourglass figure, with Large bust and wide hips, curve in the right places. 30 F cup

Race: caucasian
Skin colour:  white
Shape of Face: Rounded heart
Distinguishing features: Large Foxes ears, fox paws and Long floor dragging fox tail.
How does he/she dress? She like to stick to a Cute & sexy girly outfits with a small gothic tone and she also like Trad japanese clothes
Health: She is very healthy, she is pretty active and eats well, but not to the point that she cannot enjoy a takeaway or meal out on occasion.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, & studying
Favorite Sayings: “The words can take you away”
Speech patterns: She has quite a intresting speech patten it almost sound posh or like she is form upper class.  
Greatest flaw: She is very contorled by her feelings
Best quality: She is a very accepting of everyone, she doesnt jugde someone by their past but by how they treat her and what they do in the future

She is Irish with japanese heritage. But we are talking back long time. She has magic in her blood like all kitsune, but one of the kitsune in her bloodline was a witches familiar cast out after the witch was murder by her lover, a warlock. He banished the Kitsune to take the form of a monster and be unable to return, The Kitsune was then sent to a isle- Clare Island. And that all offspring would also be cursed with this form. As the blood line became more Irish and less Japanese the spell weakened but came more of a problem, as when Magic is near them or their emotions get out of hand which is the only time harpers magic is seen, she can be forced in to the form of a fox and the only way to switch back is to let it wear off which takes 12 hours or to experience another emotional surge to cause her magic to transform her back