Risu,,,,, oh risu,,,,,,
I cannot get #2 out of my brain. If they're still available, would you be okay with me grabbing them up?

Oh, certainly! Thank you so much for your love on that one ❤️ úvù

Here's my PP link: https://paypal.me/risumiru?country.x=FI&locale.x=en_US 

I'll transfer the character to you here at TH!

aaaaaaand sent! Now i can send you the art i've already drawn of them (':

Thank you so much for the adoption! ♥
Sent the character to you just now!
Included with the character profile that is transferred is a full scaled image of them too, hidden from public by default. uvu

And goshhh, can't wait to see it!! 👀 Vibrating from excitement!!

I would love to claim #1 please!! 🥺

Happy to see joy enjoy that one! 💖 And of course uvu

Here's my PP link: https://paypal.me/risumiru?country.x=FI&locale.x=en_US 

Ah, he is just, perfect in every way!

Should be sent now! \0/

Thank you a ton 💖 ;v; I'll send him over to you right away!

Thank you!! <3

risumiru Can I snag 3? :3

Yes, you can (thank you so much)! 💖
Here's the PP link: https://paypal.me/risumiru?country.x=FI&locale.x=en_US úvù

La paid :3

Thank you! ♥
I'll transfer the character to you right away!

Also there isn't a gallery image for this batch listed. figured I'd let yak now

OH, I had forgotten to switch it's visibility from the settings... Thank you so much for letting me know! 🙏💦