
1 month, 6 days ago


  • Female
  • 60% vampire, 40% mortal
  • Associated Plant/Flower: fallen leaves and rosemary sprigs
  • Wren is quiet, aloof, and very absorbed in Wiccan practices. She is not shy but prefers to be alone since others tend to interrupt her vibe. She usually doesn’t have much of a personal input into disagreements and just goes along with whatever is decided. Wren is vegetarian, so she substitutes her mild need to consume blood with high-iron plant substitutes.
Litter Pup Rules
  • Please credit the original artists for the design on any future refs
  • Would prefer for 'Becky + Valerio' to be somewhere on future refs
  • Must keep character linked with their family members on
  • Can be resold for the purchase price + the price of any additional art obtained 
    • (DO NOT resell for more than the purchase price without additional art)
  • Payment must be sent within 48 hours of being notified you have the winning bid and payment instructions being sent
  • If payment is not sent within the required amount of time, they will be offered to the second highest bidder
  • If you fail to abide by the rules above, you risk being blacklisted from future design sales